
On 09/06/2012 06:45 PM, Rafa Gaitan wrote:
Catched! It was not in JNI, the problem was that in the Matrix
constructor I had the "a12" element repeated and setted in the "a13"
position! The example with the y-up orientation works as expected now.
Changes are checked in the repository.

Whoops. OK, I will test it in the morning again. Thanks for finding this!

Yes, I think is the best way, maybe if you find another bug or are
interested into contribute, then we can use this mechanism sending me
the patch directly.

Sure, why not. We are looking into doing some AR applications for Android, so we may use your library as a base to start from. If I have some modifications that will be beneficial for everyone, I will for sure send you a patch.

Best regards,

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