Am 26.08.2014 13:37, schrieb Daniel Lobo:
Why is the attribute aliasing enabled in the first place?

If I am not wrong I have to enable attribute aliasing to use osg_Normals from 
You can use gl_Normals if you use a compatibility profile and no vertex attribute aliasing. You need this only for pure OpenGL 3.0 and beyond. Try to render it with default profile and use a version 120 shader to check with gl_Normals etc. If this works out, you are setting up your geometry correctly. Use debugging and minimal examples to get to the problem and check the examples (in terms of creating geometry, using Core profile and shaders)

Have you tried loading a osg model and display it with your shader?

The cow in ScreenShot168.png is rendered with my shader (It is a simple shader 
just for show normals)
Looks okay. Still the osg_Normal might default to attribute slot 0, so it

I still don't get what you are trying to achieve.
I want to draw some walls with textures and a model with shaders.

Should I render walls with a shader too?

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