Op do 11 jul. 2019 om 22:33 schreef OA <yok...@gmail.com>:

> Developers, I'm begging you, please return back to old fashioned design,
> when I can set my destination once and for all my trips. As I mentioned
> earlier, I always start my trip from home and and it at my home (don't you
> do the same?). There is no need to reset my destination all the times I
> start OsmAnd...
About 3-5 years ago there has been  a survey whether users wanted OsmAnd to
remember the destination or not, when exciting/restarting.
By far (and I really mean: by far) the survey response was that OsmAnd
should NOT remember the last destination.

Now the other topic you mention is when planning a route and enter a
destination that it immediately starts calculating the route. That is
annoying when you plan a  "sight-seeing" tour with multiple intermediate
waypoints. This is also what I do during holidays. One of the reasons why I
prepare my routes on my "big screen, full size keyboard" laptop (in
comparison with my 5.2" phone) in routeconverter and download the waypoint
gpx or routepoint gpx to my phone (via Google drive in my case where I also
store my planned routes).

However, in my normal (!) cases I simply have to go somewhere where I have
not been before (or not too often), so I only enter a destination, and then
it is very convenient that it immediately starts the calculation.

Your approach actually asks for another  "preparation". You should first
make your first route point your destination, and then add your home
address again as subsequent destination (whatever that is in your
language). Then continue with the intermediate points.

Bart Eisenberg makes excellent OsmAnd videos on Youtube . He focuses on
hiking, but the preparation is actually the same. Please watch this video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o84C0z3Kydc (and the others for better
understanding of OsmAnd).


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