The paralysis of the PAC has led other reactionary formations such as ANCYL to 
underscore our historical position of Land. The expropriation of land is of 
paramount importance. ZANUPF  of Zimbabwe, for instance, which was a fraternal 
counterpart of the PAC, has some ties with the ANCYL. For 50 years now, PAC  is 
in its infinite wrangling. The issue of parliamentary politics is a difficult 
one. It was AZAPO in 1994 which refrained from participating in the elections. 
However, in years which would follow, they came on board into the parliamentary 
system do understand your frustration, the problems of this country need 
radical approach. But, lets rather see if we can have sizable support base, 
before we lay acclaim of speaking for the African majority.

From: [] On Behalf Of Mzu 
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: [PAYCO]

How do we then forsee this repossesion of our land if we still have the settler 

Driving white people in the sea is a very bad way of putting it but how do you 
think the white men is going to hand the land to us after centuries of bravery 
from young white men fighting to destroy our race.

Humanity is a very sexy name moAfrika Mdu but what claims do whites have in 
Afrika? they do not belong in Afrika.

Why should we be so generous when there is no black men who owns land in Europe.

I think moAfrika we are doing the mistake if we do not update the mistakes that 
our previous leaders made because of the political climate at that time.

Firstly wether we like it or not the definition of an Afrikan is not accurate 
because tata Sobukwe never for a second did he try and use the word indeginous 
in his definition.

Also we have fallen in the trap of Parliament hence we are defeated like boys 
fighting with men because we cannot fight for our people when the are 
Parliamentarians amongst us.

They always sought to defend their priviledges and huge salaries of being 
Parliamentarians hence Lethlapa is the way he is now.

We cannot fight for the emancipation of black people and at the same time 
defend white interests in Afrika.

If that is what the basic document is then it needs to be updated.
On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 8:30 AM, Mduduzi Sibeko 
<<>> wrote:
Dear Mzu:
You wrote "maybe we do not need settlers in Afrika whilst we are still busy 
rebuilding Afrika maybe later we can trade with them but I do not forsee that"

the penny dropped after protracted time, that driving a white man in to the sea 
was never a PAC policy. The basic document that we have been recently invoking 
for our politics does not exclude white people as human beings. We talk of 
human race, an all inclusive approach to the question of race. I wonder why we 
continue with the rhetoric of  driving settlers away in Africa. We us 
understand, in no uncertain terms, that even if the PAC were to win elections. 
Driving white people away if far from being our approach. Let us rather 
understand how do we approach the race question and the indisputable fact that 
they still own our material possessions, that is, 87 % of our land and 80 % of 
wealth is in their hands.

[<>] On Behalf Of Mzu 
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [PAYCO]

It is not for me as an individual to come up with a solution for the Afrikans 
but all of the Afrikans collectively.

Poqo we cannot do as the charterists are doing currently i.e. Presenting a 
solution for the masses as an elite that thinks they are more educated than the 
masses. Represantative democracy has proved itself that it is a disaster in 
many states around Afrika not that I am a fan of democracy.

One thing I can say for now is that Land has to be expropriated(in a liberal 
democracy like SA but as Pan Afrikanists we reposses the land that was robbed 
from us) from the settlers and maybe we do not need settlers in Afrika whilst 
we are still busy rebuilding Afrika maybe later we can trade with them but I do 
not forsee that.

What we need for Afrika is an economic system which is pro-black(You 
affirmitive action policies,Ho can a minority affirm a majority in their 
indeginous land) an economy that will remedy the wounds of Afrikans which have 
been rubbed salt onto by the Market orientated socio economic policies that the 
ANC (infact the settlers under the disguise of the Vararas) which have proved 
themselves that they are anti-black.

Our people need land and skills to use the land. We cannot promise people 
houses when land is still occupied by whites, we cannot promise jobs when that 
simply means making someone rich and you just surviving.

We also need an education system which embraces indeginous knowledge and not 
this Eurocentric system which is destroying our youth like the Chinese who are 
teaching acupuncture and it is taught in Higher Learning institutions.

All of this can only be attained if we can de colonise our masses and in doing 
so de colonising ourselves as well and UNITY is the only way we can defeat the 

I am sure zindlalifa you can also assist because we really need our own socio 
economic policy document for without it we will fail to deliver to our masses 
after we have taken the land and not after we are in power in Parliament 
because Parliament is hell.
On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Mduduzi Sibeko 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Cde Mzu:

Your writings seem to be averse to socio-economic policies such as GEAR, even 
though, you don't go at length ridiculing their counterparts such as ASGISA and 
others. Recently, you have been expressing your loath to the admiration of 
former ANC President, Thabo Mbeki by some of our comrades such as Cunningham. 
But my concern is PAC people have been championing to censure economic policies 
of other parties without voicing alternatives for the African people. In the 
90's, I remember a policy document that was formulated by Dr. Sipho Tshabalala. 
It amongst other thing touched serious matters such as nationalization, 
privatization and other issue that have resurged recently in the ANCYL. That 
was the last time, I hear of an  economic talk within the file and rank 
membership of the PAC. The neo-liberal socio economic policies of the ANC, 
which are Keynesian, have been a center of debate by the alliance itself and 
the intelligentsia. Many social science writers have poured scorn to what the 
ANC have been doing in the context of socio economic policies. For an extensive 
reading on this see Hans Maraais, "South Africa's alternative to change" The 
ANC has not succeeded in formulating an economic policy that will benefit the 
majority. But my concern is, the PAC has not come with an economic perspective 
viable for the country. So my challenge to you is: if a charterist were to come 
to you and ask you a questions as follows: " what is the socio-economic policy 
the PAC government will implement ?  what would your response be ?

KInd regards
Mduduzi Sibeko
T +27-11-724-9281<tel:%2B27-11-724-9281>
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