2009/3/31 olsen wolf <sesselastron...@googlemail.com>:
> the server space & the maintenance is currently done by claudio the
> sys-admin at the school here in zürich where the wiki is hostet atm.
> so far he's been trying to maintain it as much as possible - sometimes
> certain request take more time - queuing up on other things that need
> to be done. but so far ev'rything should be on the line. recently
> php-admin was installed for user management & should be up &
> functional. the spam issue we've discussed on the list & i got the
> consensus to clean up the mess by hand.

I don't know what you mean by "clean it up by hand" but if you just
mean users deleting spam edits then this is not sustainable. The spam
edits are automated and so they will win any editwar. To combat spam,
we need something systematic: block the spam IPs, use MediaWiki Spam
Blacklist, or require users to create an account before they can edit.

The first solution could be implemented by creating more wiki admins
with the power to block IPs. Obviously said people would need to be
active and trusted. The other options require changing the mediawiki
settings which can presumably only be done by the site admin.

> So if there's any lack regarding the hosting or enhancements please
> let me know & i'll forward it.

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