Joseph Tainter wrote on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 09:50:43 -0800:

> I should clarify this, since some people thought I was referring to a
> possible switch to Sony. That isn't what I meant.
> There are many "ifs." Here are two: (1) If the rumor is true. (2)If  
> the
> sensor is affordable enough to bring out a camera at the original  
> price
> point of the D100 and *ist D--about U.S. $1700. If these "ifs" should
> come true, this sensor will gain an expanding share of the market, and
> in time either drive out APS-C sensors, or reduce their use to very
> low-end cameras. That is why I am wondering whether I should buy any
> more DA lenses.
> Whether APS-C is good enough for anyone's individual needs, or for  
> in general, is irrelevant. Problems of using wide angle lenses on a  
> 24 x
> 36 mm sensor are irrelevant. The 645D is irrelevant. All that matters
> will be the dynamics of the market. Reviewers and retailers will hype
> the sensor. It will become the standard. Nikon will have to adopt it,
> then Pentax will follow.
> This is not speculation. It is what we see happening now with the  
> 10 mp
> sensor starting to displace the 6 mp sensor that many of us liked.
> I hope these things don't happen. I like my DA lenses and I like shake
> reduction. But if this sensor materializes, watch the price carefully.
> If it is priced affordably, the days of the APS-C sensor and DA lenses
> are numbered.

Joe, I can agree with much of your reasoning but I think that if FF  
DSLRs are priced above $1500 there will still be a limited market for  
them compared to APS-C DSLRs priced at $800 and below.  Most camera  
buyers are not advanced amateurs and for them, $1500 (plus lenses) is  
a very significant barrier to purchase.  I expect to see entry-level  
DSLRs offered for less than $400 or less with a kit lens by the end  
of the year, and FF will likely never get to this price point.  IMO,  
the DA lenses will continue to have a significant market for a long,  
long time.  Of course, you would have to sell your DA lenses if you  
moved to FF, but there *will* be a market for them.

Remember the film SLR market - the >$1000 cameras only sold in small  
numbers; the volume sales were of sub-$500 cameras.  I'm betting that  
the DSLR market will follow a similar pattern.

Regards, Jim

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