
Excuse me for asking a silly question:

You wrote " . . . are unable to destinct their own dreams . . ."

Can you use "distinct" as a verb ?  Or did you mean "distinguish" ?

With all the best.


> Ben, Gary, R., Gary F.,
> i've got to start from the end of your post. You speak of the society
> "rewarding diciplines" and this sheds a light on your idea of sociology
> in this discussion. Your sociology consists of conscious actors who
> reward, strive for power, wealth or status. This is more a rational
> choice approach which is not the thing i was trying to hint at with my
> Fleck example. And thats also not the thing sociology of knowlede is
> interested in. It's about the knowledge underlying societal habits.
> There are so many things we take for granted and we should explore why
> we (did) take them for granted. And this not only the case in society it
> is also the case in the sciences.
> Why did microbiologist search for syphillis in the blood? They searched
> there because for centuries it was taken for granted that there is
> something like "syphillitic blood". Was it possible to reproduce the
> results? No, it was almost impossible to stabilize the results. Nowadays
> we would stop researching with results like this. But they kept on
> trying and trying until Wassermann found a way to stabilize the
> experiment. Why did the retry and retry? Because it was clear that it
> had to be there!
> The snake example: The snake example is so trivial and easy to
> understand that we don't have to discuss it. Yes, it bites you -> you
> are dead in tradtion A or B. There is no incompatiblity. But this is not
> a real world example of a living science. Sciences are complex, they
> consist of assumptions, crafting in the lab/the field, cognitive
> training etc.. They are much more than the simple "if A then B" of
> logic. Much knowledge and training is needed to come to the point where
> one can  write down a proposition like "if A then B".
> Nobody doubts that when you do exactly the same as another person that
> the same will happen. "Experiences whose conditions are the same will
> have the same general characters". But since scientific paradigms are
> such complex structures it is not an easy task to create the same
> conditions. You think its easy, just go to a lab and try to re-cook a
> Wassermann-test! You say opinion and truth are not the same thing. Yes,
> sure ,but how should we deal with the idea of the syphillitic blood? Is
> it opinion or truth? They found it in the blood! And the idea to find it
> in the blood is certainly a cultural import into science.
> But there are different Problems: a) Can there be different truths about
> one object of investigation b) are there cultural imports into science
> that influences the content of science and not only the organizational
> context of research. What is organizational context? Org. context is for
> me all the stuff you named: funding, rewarding, strive for power, money
> etc.. An influence on the content instead is everything which is part of
> the "how we see the object" of investigation.
> Karl Mannheim uses in "Ideology and Utopia" a good metaphor.  He says
> that we can look at a object from different perspectives and
> objectivation is for him to take different positions relative to the
> object. Trying to investigate the object beyond this is an absurdity
> like seeing without perspective.
> You distinct between opinion and truth. Do you have the truth? No you
> don't, like i don't. We both have beliefs we are willing to put on test.
> But when you write somthing like:
> "Conflating opinion with truth seems to produce some light
> pseudo-hallucinatory fun, at least that has been my consistent
> experience since I was a teenager (as I said I do look at other
> perspectives). It's the fun of absurdity. Yet, to build a theory on the
> acceptance of that conflation is to build on broken logic, inquiry with
> its bones broken, inquiry more susceptible than ever to social
> manipulation, inquiry less likely than ever to be fruitful."
> it seems to me that you have the truth and you are able to destinct
> between pseudo-hallucinations and non-hallucinations. You talk like you
> are one of those who has left the cave and reached the light. Ben, i
> don't really insinuate this, because it was written by you in the heat
> of the moment. We are not far away from each other, but nonetheless this
> paragraph shows we are still standing on different sides of a water
> devide. There is a hair between us. My impression is you are trying to
> pull the long-run-perspective on truth into the /now/ to safe some kind
> of non-perspective-truth in science.
> Now, truth is for me a perfect sign which incorporates all possible
> perspectives on an object. But we will be there only at the end of all
> times. As long as we are not there we only have beliefs we are willing
> to act upon. And as long we have not reached the all-perspectives-mode
> we take in positions on objects and phenomena that are influenced by our
> societal position, tradtions and our culture. The point is now that
> modern science with its non-prespective-truth tries to erase these
> influences in its representation. Part of this strategy is to make
> influences, where the cleaning has not been finished, to exceptions or
> to reduce the cultural influences to failed knowledge.
>   * Just take insulin shock therapy. How was it possible that psychic
>     ill were tortured that way? It was only possible in a certain
>     culture of medicine. A culture where a real phycicist had to cut or
>     give drug. But psychatrist didn't have these instruments and so they
>     were inferior to real phycicist. That's the reason why they were so
>     eager to use insulin shocks, because when they used it they were
>     real phycicists.
>   * Look at nazi science. It is widley branded as pseudo-science to
>     clean science from this era. But there were nazi scientists whose
>     experiments would hold our standards today. But people say: Huh, in
>     the greater part it was pseudo science. Yes, so what? Just think of
>     Feynmans great "Cargo Cult Science", it shows that a lot of science
>     today is pseudo. How was nazi science possible? It was a child of
>     nazi germany.
>   * Take the scientific revolution. Where did the knowledge of the
>     scientific revolution come from like Steven Shapin asks? The "new
>     scientists" laughed about the scholastics who discussed "how many
>     angels can dance on top of a needle", but the logic of the new
>     scientists grounded on the work of scholastics. In the field of
>     chemistry the techniques of the bench work stemmed from alchemy.
>     Newton himself was an alchemist.
> All three examples are examples of the cleaning strategy.
> But back to the two problems: a) Can there be different truths about one
> object of investigation? b) Are there cultural imports into science that
> influence the content of science?
>   * Ad a): No, this is not possible. If there are two truths about one
>     object, then it is due to different perspectives. But since the
>     perspectives are different there are not the same conditions and
>     hence not the same conclusions. But within one perspective the
>     results are intersubjective and reproducable.
>   * Ad b) Yes, there are such imports and there are less dramatic
>     examples than those mentioned above. From my study time i knew at
>     last 6 different soil classifications. I googled it now and found
>     out there are even more and that pedologist have lost every
>     confidence that there ever will be a universal classification. If
>     you look at the classification you will reckon they are dependent on
>     the soil usage and engeneering techniques. But these both vary
>     greatly with different cultures.
>     But pedology, physics or chemistry are not the main battle field. We
>     find examples there, they are insteresting and shed a light on the
>     cleaning practices, but they are not of vital importance. Like
>     Foucault identified it, the main battle field is anthropology. There
>     are everywhere cultural and ideological components in the content of
>     the sciences arround anthropology. And that is the reason why people
>     in the 60ies and 70ies read his historical investigations, which
>     ended in the 19th century, as critiques of the then contemporary
>     psychatry, medicine and criminology. He showed what was implicitly
>     taken for granted and people didn't like to see that.
> All of this hasn't something to do with fallibilism. Fallibilism works
> only in one perspective, the tertium non datur works only in one
> perspective. It has to do with pluralism and the possibility of other
> world views. And therefore it is a legitimate endeavour to search for
> traces of culture, tradition, ideology within the content of sciences.
> They are not free of them. Its like Fleck writes in
> "Wissenschaftstheoretische Probleme": "It is an extraordinary
> interesting thing, how far scholars who dedicate their whole life to
> destinct hallucinations from reality, are unable to destinct their own
> dreams about science from the true form of science".
> Best
> Stefan
>> Stefan, Gary F., list,
>> I was indeed addressing the snakebite example, just not mentioning it
>> by name. If two traditions, two people, two of anything, arrive at
>> incompatible conclusions about snakebites, then at most one of their
>> conclusions is true. That's what "incompatible conclusions" means. It
>> doesn't take Peircean semiotics or pragmatism to see it, it's
>> elementary definitions and logic.
>> I haven't ever argued or believed that judgments, that two given
>> traditions' conclusions are incompatible, are infallible. I haven't
>> ever argued or believed that society does not influence, help, or
>> hinder inquiry, or contribute to focusing it in some directions rather
>> than others. This sort of thing will result in society's influencing
>> the opinions that result from actual inquiry.
>> But opinion and truth are not the same thing.
>> Conflating opinion with truth seems to produce some light
>> pseudo-hallucinatory fun, at least that has been my consistent
>> experience since I was a teenager (as I said I do look at other
>> perspectives). It's the fun of absurdity.  Yet, to build a theory on
>> the acceptance of that conflation is to build on broken logic, inquiry
>> with its bones broken, inquiry more susceptible than ever to social
>> manipulation, inquiry less likely than ever to be fruitful.
>> A challenge for inquiry and society is to overcome capricious or
>> mischievous skews produced by society's influence on inquiry, without
>> keeping society from helping inquiry thrive and vice versa. It's one
>> thing for society to reward some disciplines more than others. In
>> various cases there can be good reasons for that, bad reasons for
>> that, and so on. The economy of inquiry itself may sometimes
>> impoverish inquiries that would not have been all that costly and
>> whose findings would have corrected and improved the inquiries that do
>> proceed, but people can't know everything in advance, and people need
>> to make choices. So inquiry will tend, even when going comparatively
>> well, to have defects. But it can also correct and improve itself.
>> It's another thing for society to reward disciplines with power,
>> wealth, glamour, status, only for producing conclusions that suit
>> society's preconceptions. And so on.
>> Best, Ben
>> On 9/23/2014 5:20 AM, sb wrote:
>> Gary F., Ben, List,
>> yes, it is an extremist position. Ludwik Fleck in some of his texts
>> about the /Denkkollektive/ (thought collectives) comes close to this
>> point. But his microbiological bench research maybe prevented him to
>> fall prey to such solipcism. Also Latours (maybe polemic) can be read
>> this way, but even he says now, facing the threat of climate change
>> deniers, that he has gone to far. Apart from these two (and alleged
>> epigones of social constructivism of different strives) i would say
>> this is a crude misrepresentation of social constructivism.
>> Yes, you may be right that you and Ben are just responding, but i have
>> the imression that Stans polarization fell on just too fertile ground.
>> Maybe it activated an already existent resentiment?! Now when Gary and
>> Cathy applaud Bens post, i would follow them if it was not under the
>> label of social constructivism. If we call it
>> solipcism/relativism/culturalism i'd be fine. Nevertheless i feel
>> uncomfortable with Bens post since it doesn't try to understand Stans
>> position.
>> Stan braught up the example "one must not tease certain snakes". If
>> you tease the snake, it bites you, injects enough poison and there are
>> no lucky circumstances that safe you, then you will die! These are the
>> plain facts. But there can be different mythologies/theories arround
>> this snake type. At this point i always remember the end of Ecos "Name
>> of the Rose" when Adson and William discuss retrospective what has
>> happend. Adson says to William: "Over the whole investigation we had
>> the false premisses and the false hypothesis' but we came up with the
>> right conclusion". Important in this example is now that they start
>> with predjudice which turns out to be false. In the same manner
>> scientists start with personaly, socially or tradionally conditioned
>> predjudices.
>> All scientific theories have a social import which is not forced upon
>> us by reality.  E.g. Fleck shows in his book that until the 20th
>> century and the discovery of the Wassermann-reaction the syphillis
>> research was influenced by the religious idea of the syphillitic blood
>> as a punishment of god. In an enlightment perspective it is important
>> to understand and explore such imports. Ben argues in his response
>> only from an epistemological standpoint and ignores the importance of
>> the sociologcal view Stan brings in. Sociologically the "claim of
>> truth" as "truth" and the will to act upon this truth is a interesting
>> phenomenon. At the same time Stan mixes up the epistemological and the
>> sociological perspective and thinks we can conclude from the sociology
>> of knowledge to epistemology. Once again, i do follow Bens critique,
>> but it should also pick up the sociological perspective.
>> Science is not only brought forward by empirical research and new
>> theories, it is also brought forward by the critique of its own social
>> boundedness. Sure, the sociological is from a different sphere but
>> since it is from a different sphere it could and should inform
>> science. From my point of view social constructivism/ sociology of
>> knowledge and pragmatism are complementary, means pragmatism delivers
>> the right epistemology for the sociology of knowledge.
>> Best
>> Stefan
>> Am 22.09.14 14:22, schrieb Gary Fuhrman:

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