Jerry, list,

I have never found divisions of signs (trichotomies) of much use. And I cannot see how they could work with proposisional functions. So I cannot be of help in your questions.

Jerry LR Chandler kirjoitti 16.6.2016 18:25:
List, Kirsti:

On Jun 16, 2016, at 9:12 AM, wrote:

It is not that I found Kelly Parker's book disappointing as such. I
found it mislabelled.

Yes, the title of the book is misleading as often happens for various

But, the essence of my post does not relate to that aspect of the

I wrote:

"In particular, Parker’s separation of the logic of the semeiotic

The logic of icons
The logic of indices
The logic of symbols.

My questions are:

How do Parker's separation of the forms of CSP logics relate to FS's
views of Natural Propositions?

Can one find an illation between Parker’s reading of CSP and FS’s
reading of CSP’s propositional functions?”

_End quote._

What I seek to understand is THE NATURE OF THE PROPOSITIONAL

How do the nature of the propositional functions for the _“logic of
icons”, the "logic of indices", and the "logic of symbols” _

What is the distinction between these three terms such that each
embraces a separate logic?

In other words, what is the premise that generates the conclusion that
the semiosis of ‘icon, index, symbol’ must necessarily be three
clear and distinct logics?

I do not discern the "difference that makes a difference” between
I do not discern how this semiotic structure relates to FS /
“Natural Propositions”.

It seems to me that this is a very critical question for a vast range
of philosophical “narratives” that often appear here.
Further, it seems to me that this premise, whatever it is, could also
contribute to expressing one of the philosophical keystones that
organize CSP thinking.

Given the many imaginative posters who contribute to this list, can
anyone propose such a premise?



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