Søren, List:

SB:  I think your problem is solved by Panentheism, which accept the divine
to be both transcendent and immanent.

Again, I am now leaning against trying to apply any such label to Peirce.
Granted, one of the three drafts that I quoted from R 843 indicates that
God is not *merely *immanent in nature; and this might plausibly be
interpreted as compatible with panentheism, at least as you have described
it here.  However, the other two drafts both clearly state that God is not
immanent in nature and is not immanent in the three Universes.  That being
the case, if immanence is required for panentheism, then it appears that
Peirce was not a panentheist.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt - twitter.com/JonAlanSchmidt

On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 6:43 PM, Søren Brier <sb....@cbs.dk> wrote:

> Dear Helmut
> I think your problem is solved by Panentheism, which accept the divine to
> be both transcendent and immanent. Thus the Tohu va Bohu or pure Zero is
> the transcendent, which as the first step in creation produces Firstness as
> real possibilities of forms of existence, combined with the tendency to
> take habits, which could be interpreted as The holy Ghost, which when
> stabilized produces real Secondness and goes on to order it through the
> self-organizing drive of thirdness. Now God = the Father in this scenario ,
>  is not a person because it is pure potential. A person or a subject need
> both Secondness and thirdness to manifest with a consciousness and a will.
> (Peirce writes: *Since God, in His essential character of Ens
> necessarium, is a disembodied spirit, and since there is strong reason to
> hold that what we call consciousness is either merely the general sensation
> of the brain or some part of it, or at all events some visceral or bodily
> sensation, God probably has no consciousness*. CP 6.489) The
> manifestation could be The son, which can both manifest as a person like
>  Christ and/or Krishna  and as our inner awareness. As Meister Eckhart says
> the Sons is born again and again in every person and it is only through the
> birth of the son in our consciousness that the way to Gods is possible.
> This interpretation is pretty Gnostic and pure mystical and as such fits
> with  much Cristian mysticism, Taoism, Advaita Vedanta, Rumi’s  Sufism and
> so on collected in what is usually called the *Perennial philosophy*.
> This view on the divine has been ad odds with most theistic religion that
> works with a personified creator.
>          Best
>                                 Søren
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