I made my first additions/changes to GT-Inspector:

Name: GT-InspectorExtensions-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.54
Author: SvenVanCaekenberghe
Time: 3 October 2014, 3:03:17.252107 pm
UUID: 853cfe8d-314c-4eac-ad67-8c6eff2b4f83
Ancestors: GT-InspectorExtensions-Core-TudorGirba.53

Customized GT-Inspector for Integer, Float and Character

MCZ attached:

Attachment: GT-InspectorExtensions-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.54.mcz
Description: Binary data

I made it so that 'State' shows slots only (if any) and takes precedence.

I added an 'Integer' tab to Integer with decimal, hex, octal, binary and 
optional character aspects.

I added a 'Float' tab to Float with (binary, base 2) significant and exponent 
(self = significant * (2 ** exponent)) [the old sign field was not needed since 
significant is signed already), while making the 'State' show the 2 indexed 
slots (which is more correct IMHO).

I added a 'Character' tab with self, codepoint and unicode aspects.

Obviously this has to be iterated upon. I am already very happy that I could 
figure out how to do this. Much more from the old Eye inspectors will follow.


PS1: Implementing this, I sense that we might need an option so that a field 
can show some label for its value, while clicking further on it would continue 
on something else (obviously related), differently field by field.

PS2: Is is necessary/useful for the States fields in 
#gtInspectorVariableValuePairs to be a Set instead of something that preserves 
the order ?

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