I've been a lurk-fan for a long time but this brings up something that
distressed me. Richard Eng, Smalltalk Renaissance hero loves to say
Smalltalk's grammar/syntax fits on a postcard.

But the vocabulary doesn't. There is nothing English-like about the always
expanding bewildering   library namespaces.

GT what? Oh a newbie might eventually figure out it means Glamorous
Toolkit. These are meaningless brands. In this drive to come up with
creative names for "just objects" that explain nothing at all, Smalltalk is
becoming like Java or PHP hell.
Just look at those examples through the eyes of a novice. The purity is
nowhere to be found.

On Apr 13, 2018 1:56 AM, "Benoit St-Jean via Pharo-users" <
pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Benoit St-Jean <bstj...@yahoo.com>
To: pharo-users@lists.pharo.org
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2018 05:53:46 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Where do we go now ?
Hello guys,

Just a quick word to get some things straight because, quite frankly, I
really don't know where we're heading.

When Pharo started, the goal was to depart from Squeak and do a *major
clean up* of all the code, especially Morphic.  The promise of a new, clean
& lean Smalltalk attracted a lot of people.  And then...

I'm looking at the Pharo 7.0 image right now and I just don't get where
we're heading.  Every Pharo release gets bigger, and bigger, and bigger.  I
don't mind the environment getting bigger if it adds functionalities or new
tools but that's not quite the case here. LOTS of stuff is just duplicated.

Do we really need 2 code completion classes (NECController, NOCController)
?  Do we really need 2 system browsers (Nautilus, Calypso)? Do we really
need 2 compilers (OpalCompiler, Compiler) ?  Do we really need 8 delay
schedulers (DelayMicrosecondScheduler, DelayMillisecondScheduler,
DelayNullScheduler, DelayExperimentalSpinScheduler, DelaySpinScheduler,
DelayTicklessScheduler, DelayExperimentalCourageousScheduler,
DelayExperimentalSemaphoreScheduler) ?  Do we really need 2 inspectors
(GTInspector, EyeInspector) ?  Do we really need 2 workspaces
(GTPlayground, Workspace) ? Et cetera. Et cetera. Et cetera.  I could go
on, and on, and on...

Pharo 5.1 had 5885 classes. Pharo 6.1 had 6481 classes. Pharo 7.0 alpha has
7612 classes.  Can you see a trend?

Pharo 5.1 had 416 preference settings. Pharo 6.1 had 494 preference
settings. Pharo 7.0 alpha has 662 preference settings.  Can you see a trend?

Pharo 5.1 had a 27.44 MB image. Pharo 6.1 had a 35.18 MB image. Pharo 7.0
alpha has a 47.97 MB image.  Can you see a trend?

Add to that the fact that Pharo is a nightmare when you want to port code.
Just with the 7.0 release, 61 classes will be deprecated (and lots more to
come if you search for the string "deprecated" into the code, most of the
time hidden in the comments of the soon-to-be-deprecated-in-Pharo-8-I-guess

You have code that deals with sockets, should you use the old Socket
classes or convert everything to Zodiac? And why do we keep both
"frameworks" in the image ?  Pharo hasn't been backward compatible with
"old socket classes" a looooooong time ago anyway!

You have code that deals with dependencies, should you use the old
dependents mechanism or convert everything to announcements?

UI speaking, what framework should anyone use ?  Athens?  Something else?

You have code that deals with streams, should you use the old stream
classes or convert everything to Zinc ? And why do we keep both
"frameworks" in the image ?  Pharo hasn't been backward compatible with the
old stream classes a looooooong time ago anyway!

So what's the plan?  For instance, should I keep using the Nautilus Browser
or I should switch to the Calypso browser and get used to it because
Nautilus will be deprecated?  Or should I just don't care because a third
system browser will be added in Pharo 8 just because "it's cool, let's add
this one too!" ?

Couldn't we just decide on what's "official" and what's a goodie or an
external optional tool/package/framework the same way all other Smalltalks
do?  If you say Calypso is the official & supported browser, fine!  Then
just get Nautilus out of the image, create a nice loadable package for it
and if someone prefers Nautilus, they'll just have to load it into the
image, the same way VW has a gazillion optional tools/packages/frameworks
you can load from a parcel!

Whenever I get asked a simple question by a newbie like "Oh, which system
browser should I use?", quite frankly, I don't know what to answer.  Did we
include Calypso to deprecate Nautilus later?  Is Calypso just a proof of
concept?  Is it just an optional tool?  What about all those delay

"I loaded this code from SqueakSource and it just doesn't work".  Should I
help the guy to fix it or just tell him to convert all the code to the
corresponding framework in Pharo?

Perhaps a little bit of clarity and details about what's coming and what's
the plan would be beneficial to a lot of us.

Benoît St-Jean
Yahoo! Messenger: bstjean
Twitter: @BenLeChialeux
Pinterest: benoitstjean
Instagram: Chef_Benito
IRC: lamneth
Blogue: endormitoire.wordpress.com
"A standpoint is an intellectual horizon of radius zero".  (A. Einstein)

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