No, that is cabinet finish. Gold plating was usually coated with thinned
cellulose lacquer. Fingernail polish also contains oil so it is a bit
soft and true cellulose lacquer is rather tough to come by bet bet is
Testors thinned clear airplane dope from you local hobby shop.
On 1/13/19 2:44 PM, Ron L'Herault via Phono-L wrote:
And that would have been applied to metal finished parts?
Ron L
-----Original Message-----
From: Phono-L [] On Behalf Of Rich via
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2019 6:39 PM
Cc: Rich
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Credenza X and VE8-12X coming along!
I previously answered your finish question in an earlier post.
The closest thing to what was used OEM is Behlen Violin Varnish, can be
difficult to find but it works well. The base coats were plain shellac
followed by a top coat of the Violin Varnish.
The term VARNISH does not describe a specific product or finishing
technique. It is used as a generic term to describe a finishing material
that contains some type of oil. In many cases it will be a non-drying
type of finish that has a elastic like consistency.
On 1/11/19 3:39 PM, Robert Wright via Phono-L wrote:
Thanks (again) Ron! I ended up using dish soap and a toothbrush to get
most of it removed, but I'll try the WD-40 method. My main concern was
that the arms that move with the tonearm didn't move easily at all, but
I think the hot water I was using melted away a good bit of the gunk
that was making it so stiff. After a thorough drying, I oiled all the
moving parts with 3-in-one, then rubbed an oily paper towel over all of
it to guard against any kind of moisture left over.
Anyone know about the factory varnish situation? I know it's probably a
bit involved, but what am I (considering) getting into, exactly?
On Jan 11, 2019, at 9:11 AM, Ron L'Herault via Phono-L
< <>> wrote:
You only need to remove old oil from the joints and hand crud from the
finish. I’d use (have used) WD040 and a toothbrush to clean the
mechanism and spray cleaner like Fantastic to clean the gold. Do not
use polish. Relubricate moving parts with light oil. Put oil on the
pad to avoid squeal.
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