Hi again Jason,

I think Jason Wong got the problem I missed, it's the date format. If you
tested like I sad in the last mail you already found it. When you query:

SELECT * FROM ads WHERE date = '%$date%';

you get an empty result.

So, that's the solution...

Bruno Gimenes Pereti.

> What is the format of date as defined in your database? If date is of
> type DATE or DATETIME then
> > $result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM ads
> >                          WHERE fname LIKE '%$fname%' AND lname LIKE
> > '%$lname%' AND phonea LIKE '%$phonea%' AND phone LIKE '%$phone%' AND
> > date LIKE '%$date%'");
> should be changed to:
>    $result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM ads
>                            WHERE fname LIKE '%$fname%'
>                              AND lname LIKE '%$lname%'
>                              AND phonea LIKE '%$phonea%'
>                              AND phone LIKE '%$phone%'
>                              AND date = '$date'"
>                          );

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