Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> There will be more and more extensions that are not bundled with PHP, and
> having a standard way to check the version of an extension is going to be
> required.  This should also apply to the bundled extensions.

Currently there is a number of self-description functions
in PHP, such as the name of the current SAPI, tests for existing
(loaded) extensions and similar.

I'd second your request for a function or a number of functions
that report properties of a loaded extension, and I'd like to
see section in a manual that deals with "analyzing your PHP
environment from a program".


1. how would I get a list of all currently loaded modules
   and their version number?
2. how would I get a list of functions names, constants 
   and magic variables and internal objects created by 
   this module?
3. what information can I get about the PHP core (version,
   SAPI, other information).

Question is, would it be possible write phpinfo() as a user
function? If yes, the set of self description of PHP would
be fairly complete - the list of function names etc actually
transcends phpino(). This could be interpreted as a shortcoming
of phpinfo(): module names should be clickable in phpinfo()
and lead to a page describing that module in detail.


Kristian Köhntopp, NetUSE AG Dr.-Hell-Straße, D-24107 Kiel
Tel: +49 431 386 435 00, Fax: +49 431 386 435 99

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