At 21:24 9/7/2001, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> > I'm talking about real-world cases of developers who stopped
> > contributing or were afraid to contribute because of your sucky,
> > condescending attitude.
>Uh?  I don't recall a single instance of Sascha scaring someone off.

Well, I do.  Two, as a matter of fact.  Lots of stuff happens on IRC and 
not the mailing lists, you know.

>I frankly didn't see a personal attack from Sascha on you here.  He
>doesn't want to contribute his code under the Zend License.  I see nothing
>personal about this decision of his.

I wasn't talking about his decision, I was talking about the way he 
spoke.  Sascha may be a bright kid, but his manners are horrible.  Beauty 
is in the eyes of the beholder - you have to strongly ignore the way he 
wrote his letter in order not to consider it as a personal attack.

>   So what options does he have?
>Should he then just not try to work on aspects of PHP he thinks are
>important to work on and sit around and wait for you to do it?  This
>doesn't make much sense to me.  He should be allowed to play in whatever
>sandbox he wants and if we can accomodate him without making a mess of
>things, we should try.

He can play in whatever sandbox he likes, as long as he doesn't mess up the 
kindergarten.  If Sascha's way of making a point goes through breaking the 
logic of PHP's structure, then Sascha should find a different path of doing 
this.  We have a certain existing situation right now, and as I said in the 
meeting, the license won't change this instant just because Sascha wants it 
to change this instant.  Much like we didn't add bcmath until we got the 
license issue fixed, we now also have a license issue, that may be solved 
when either Sascha gives up, or the Zend Engine license changes.  Finding a 
technical work around that adds some spaghetti code to PHP is not a valid 

>   So please stop with the personal attacks and
>concentrate on the real technical issues.

I'd appreciate it if you stayed out of this one.  I'm fed up with Sascha's 
attitude towards me and other developers, and decided it was time to point 
that issue out.


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