> BTW, I've had several beers offered me so far by several guys on this list,
> who are too afraid to publicly state their minds, but feel exactly the way
> I do about Sascha's behavior.

    Publicly stating something to that effect won't solve it.
    They should contact me privately to resolve such issues.

> I am indeed leaving no room for interpretation, because I want to be
> completely clear.  I'd argue that Sascha also doesn't leave any room for
> interpretation, unless you choose to ignore the obvious.  The big
> difference is that in my case, it took a couple of years until I 'snapped',
> and Sascha tends to do it on a monthly and sometimes weekly basis.

    That is a gross exaggeration.

    - Sascha                                     Experience IRCG
      http://schumann.cx/                http://schumann.cx/ircg

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