
Zeev Suraski wrote:
> At 22:24 01/01/2002, Manuel Lemos wrote:
> >One thing that I think it is really vital to prevent PHP to leak even
> >more users to other languages is to have built-in support for consuming
> >Web services.
> Manuel,
> A friendly suggestion - you always sound as if the house is burning, the
> ceiling is collapsing , and soon enough all will be lost, unless a miracle
> happens.  While this may be true in your opinion, I can tell you that it
> doesn't have a very positive effect on the way your words are accepted by
> the users of this, or any other pro-PHP mailing list.  "If that's the
> truth, we don't want to hear it" sums it up pretty well, especially when
> most people here believe it's not the truth.

What you are saying is that when I make a suggestion people become
emotional and work very hard to raise as much objections as they can
instead of staying rational and try to see the benefits of the

> About SOAP and Web services - I agree with you that it would be very good
> to have built-in support for it in PHP.  However, suggesting this kind of
> ideas is usually pretty pointless, unless you're willing to actually do
> something about it.  I think the only time it worked in the past was when
> Sascha picked up the challenge of creating a session module for PHP,
> because PHP really needed one (kodus to Sascha on that) - but that's the
> exception to the rule.

Honestly I don't expect you to follow any suggestion I make.
Disconsidering my suggestions works more against you than to me because
you are the one that is making money from PHP development. What I am
trying to say is that sooner or later you will realize how silly it is
to spend so much effort in contradicting me or otherwise overrule my

You seem to forget that this is a forum where at least a few thousand
users are not saying anything but they are paying close attention to
everything that is said. Seeing my (and also of many others) sugestions
being disconsidered just like you systematically do, you are only
discouraging others to step up and also present their suggestions. Of
course you will disagree because your behaviour became more and more
predictable over time.

> I think Rasmus was looking into that a couple of months ago, btw.

Anything came out of it? Rasmus?
Manuel Lemos

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