On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 05:43:09PM -0500, Joao Prado Maia wrote : 
> On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, Markus Fischer wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 10:31:51AM -0500, Joao Prado Maia wrote :
> > > I repeat once again, why not work with Stig and the rest of the PEAR-DEV
> > > guys on this new redesigned PEAR::DB (or whatever it ends up being called)
> > > so in the near future we can then think of doing a C port of it ?
> >
> >     I appriciate Thomas and Stig's effort very much (and of
> >     course all the others which would take too long to list them
> >     all). But beside _talking_ about C code I haven't seen
> >     anything yet.
> >
> So ? I didn't see any C code from Zak either. If all we are doing right
> now is speculating on the creation of a PHP based 'prototype' of this
> MySQL-only abstraction thing, why is it more interesting than a existing
> package like PEAR::DB ?
> Talk is just that - talk. The weird part is that Zak probably know about
> PEAR::DB and he might even know about Stig's plan on writing a C port of
> a stable version of it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't feel very good
> about all this duplication of efforts and even more about a abstraction
> class _just_ for MySQL.

    I'll bet my gf that the proposed change to mysql will happen
    before any PEAR::DB C code has been written.

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