At 06:25 PM 2/2/2002 -0500, Chris Cocuzzo wrote:
>Godamnit. Shut-up about this already for godsakes and answer the
>original question!!

LOL  hehe good point Chris.

>"Ben Clumeck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I would like to send an e-mail (the same e-mail) to 1,000 different
> > people.  I want each persons name to be in the "To:" field.  Is there a 
> way to
> > customize it to where it can say Dear____ (having a different persons name
> > corresponding to an e-mail address) so that it looks customized.

Ben, how you approach this will depend on how you have the data 
stored.  Let's assume two things:  you have the e-mail addresses and names 
in a database and know how to retrieve and store them into the variables 
$email and $name.  That said, create the body of your text:

$body = "
Dear $name,

Here are recent developments on our web site... etc.

Then use the mail function ( 
to send the letter to the person like this:

mail($email, "Site update", $body, "From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]");

The next thing you'll probably start wondering is how to send fancy e-mail 
instead of those generic text based ones...  PHPBuilder has an article 
you'll want to check out located here:


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