It uses cookies and only cookies and it seems that sessions are started on 
every access but can be turned off on individual pages if required.

At 07:44 AM 2/16/02, Peter J. Schoenster wrote:
>On 15 Feb 2002, at 14:43, Bendik Simonsen wrote:
> > I have however, noticed one feature that ASP has that I have not found
> > an equal for in PHP: the "application" object.
> >
> > For those of you not familiar with ASP, the lowdown is this: The
> > application object acts like a global session. You assign it variables
> > and values like you would a session, but those variables are available
> > to all instances and sessions. It is for example very useful to track
> > different users at the same time, or to send messages from one session
> > to another, or the likes.
> >
> > Anything like this in PHP, or will I have to find a workaround for it,
> > or *ick* do that little sniplet in ASP?
>Well how does it work? Is it advertised as M$ magic in the class?
>Is http not stateless?
>I don't follow your description and I don't believe in magic.
>Is it using cookies? If not what? It must be using something?
>I bet it's using cookies. Sounds a lot like what you normally do with
>sessions. I don't follow the "send message from one session to
>another" ... is this not just normal course for sessions?  I'd like
>more explanation before I believe that this is any more than just a
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