> There are a ton of template systems.  Look here for performance
> benchmarks:
> http://www.phpinsider.com/benchmarks_phemplate
> Unfortunately pattemplate isn't tested so I don't know how it rates.

I downloaded the scripts and added patTemplate to the mix. It's average,
rating in the middle on most tests...

The big thing to notice is the last test, which runs through 100 loops
on a test file. Smarty just blows everything out of the water. And think
about what most of your web pages do...loop through result sets.

If anyone wants the files, let me know. It's a simple unzip and run,
everything is all packaged together. Results may vary on different
servers; I'd like to see a *nix/Apache result set posted...

Tested on Win2K / 1Ghz AMD / 512MB RAM / IIS 5.0 / PHP 4.2.1 (ISAPI
Module), YRMV

---John Holmes...

TEST 1.1 :: 20 registered vars :: 10 iterations 
name    / total time / average iteration time  
100% smarty             4ms 0.0040654  
103% phemplate          4ms 0.0041828  
147% heyes class                6ms 0.0059759  
157% XTemplate          6ms 0.006363  
160% phplib tpl                 7ms 0.006502  
256% bugi                       10ms 0.0104083  
290% patTemplate                12ms 0.0117798  
388% vTemplate          16ms 0.0157634  
439% TemplatePower v2   18ms 0.0178361  
1350% FastTemplate      55ms 0.0548866  

TEST 1.2 :: 5 registered vars :: 10 iterations 
name / total time / average iteration time  
100% heyes class                3ms 0.0032871  
106% phemplate          3ms 0.0034916  
139% phplib tpl                 5ms 0.0045691  
148% smarty             5ms 0.0048685  
160% XTemplate          5ms 0.0052609  
257% FastTemplate       8ms 0.0084631  
307% bugi                       10ms 0.010094  
332% patTemplate                11ms 0.0109147  
448% TemplatePower v2   15ms 0.0147268  
502% vTemplate          16ms 0.0164906  

TEST 1.3 :: 40 registered vars :: 5 iterations 
name / total time / average iteration time  
100% phemplate          2ms 0.00453  
141% smarty             3ms 0.0064098  
159% XTemplate          4ms 0.0072178  
178% phplib tpl                 4ms 0.0080422  
206% heyes class                5ms 0.0093244  
262% bugi                       6ms 0.0118796  
353% TemplatePower v2   8ms 0.015982  
368% patTemplate                8ms 0.0166856  
401% vTemplate          9ms 0.0181768  
1329% FastTemplate      30ms 0.0602032  

TEST 2.1 :: text 10kb // loop 100 records // 10 iterations 
name / total time / average iteration time  
100% smarty             6ms 0.0055744  
379% phemplate          21ms 0.0211018  
1039% bugi                      58ms 0.0579146  
1344% TemplatePower v2  75ms 0.0749261  
1360% patTemplate       76ms 0.075819  
3283% phplib tpl                183ms 0.1829999  
7096% XTemplate                 396ms 0.3955393  
8324% heyes class       464ms 0.4640006  

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