Hi Henrik,

> nice but now we have something "simpler", a POST on the same domain, i.e.
> http://localhost:8080.

I observed similar problems when sending a POST to the "lib/form.l"
framework. There it works, however, because that framework falls back to
a (non-Ajax) HTTP-POST when the first try fail. After that, the port
does not change any more and the communication continues to function
without further problems.

Your case is different, though, as no new port (resulting from the 'app'
session) is created.

> (de ajaxTest ()
>   (httpHead "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
>   (ht:Out T
>      (ht:Prin "From Pico")))

This looks all right. Is it never executed?

> Is correct handling of a POST dependent on the session logic in the GUI
> framework or am I doing something else wrong?

I don't think so.

If it is indeed a general problem with ports in the URL, you should try
to use 'httpGate' (the standard way of operating a PicoLisp HTTP server
anyway). Start it (as root) like:

   /path/picolisp/bin/httpGate 80 8080

and perhaps also

   /path/picolisp/bin/httpGate 443 8080 /path/to/some/pem

and then call your server via the URL "http://localhost";.

The best way is to start it in your "/etc/rc.local" (or equivalent) on
your development machine(s).

Does this work?

- Alex

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