I don't know what I might have done the last time when I got that result
after 7 minutes, it did not happen this time, I'm using a different version
of Firefox and Firebug this time though.

Anyway this time I traced line also, here is the result I get immediately
after making the jQuery post:

 task : 5 ((http @))
  task = (5 (http @))
  http : 5
   line :
   line = ("P" "O" "S" "T" " " "/" "@" "a" "j" "a" "x" "T" "e" "s" "t" " "
"H" "T" "T" "P" "/" "1" "." "1")
   _htHead :
    line :
    line = ("H" "o" "s" "t" ":" " " "l" "o" "c" "a" "l" "h" "o" "s" "t" ":"
"8" "0" "8" "0")
    line :
    line = ("U" "s" "e" "r" "-" "A" "g" "e" "n" "t" ":" " " "M" "o" "z" "i"
"l" "l" "a" "/" "5" "." "0" " " "(" "X" "1" "1" ";" " " "U" ";" " " "L" "i"
"n" "u" "x" " " "i" "6" "8" "6" ";" " " "e" "n" "-" "U" "S" ";" " " "r" "v"
":" "1" "." "8" "." "1" "." "1" "2" ")" " " "G" "e" "c" "k" "o" "/" "2" "0"
"0" "6" "1" "2" "0" "1" " " "F" "i" "r" "e" "f" "o" "x" "/" "2" "." "0" "."
"0" "." "1" "2" " " "(" "U" "b" "u" "n" "t" "u" "-" "f" "e" "i" "s" "t" "y"
    line :
    line = ("A" "c" "c" "e" "p" "t" ":" " " "t" "e" "x" "t" "/" "x" "m" "l"
"," "a" "p" "p" "l" "i" "c" "a" "t" "i" "o" "n" "/" "x" "m" "l" "," "a" "p"
"p" "l" "i" "c" "a" "t" "i" "o" "n" "/" "x" "h" "t" "m" "l" "+" "x" "m" "l"
"," "t" "e" "x" "t" "/" "h" "t" "m" "l" ";" "q" "=" "0" "." "9" "," "t" "e"
"x" "t" "/" "p" "l" "a" "i" "n" ";" "q" "=" "0" "." "8" "," "i" "m" "a" "g"
"e" "/" "p" "n" "g" "," "*" "/" "*" ";" "q" "=" "0" "." "5")
    line :
    line = ("A" "c" "c" "e" "p" "t" "-" "L" "a" "n" "g" "u" "a" "g" "e" ":"
" " "e" "n" "-" "u" "s" "," "e" "n" ";" "q" "=" "0" "." "5")
    line :
    line = ("A" "c" "c" "e" "p" "t" "-" "E" "n" "c" "o" "d" "i" "n" "g" ":"
" " "g" "z" "i" "p" "," "d" "e" "f" "l" "a" "t" "e")
    line :
    line = ("A" "c" "c" "e" "p" "t" "-" "C" "h" "a" "r" "s" "e" "t" ":" " "
"I" "S" "O" "-" "8" "8" "5" "9" "-" "1" "," "u" "t" "f" "-" "8" ";" "q" "="
"0" "." "7" "," "*" ";" "q" "=" "0" "." "7")
    line :
    line = ("K" "e" "e" "p" "-" "A" "l" "i" "v" "e" ":" " " "3" "0" "0")
    line :
    line = ("C" "o" "n" "n" "e" "c" "t" "i" "o" "n" ":" " " "k" "e" "e" "p"
"-" "a" "l" "i" "v" "e")
    line :
    line = ("C" "o" "n" "t" "e" "n" "t" "-" "T" "y" "p" "e" ":" " " "a" "p"
"p" "l" "i" "c" "a" "t" "i" "o" "n" "/" "x" "-" "w" "w" "w" "-" "f" "o" "r"
"m" "-" "u" "r" "l" "e" "n" "c" "o" "d" "e" "d")
    line :
    line = ("X" "-" "R" "e" "q" "u" "e" "s" "t" "e" "d" "-" "W" "i" "t" "h"
":" " " "X" "M" "L" "H" "t" "t" "p" "R" "e" "q" "u" "e" "s" "t")
    line :
    line = ("R" "e" "f" "e" "r" "e" "r" ":" " " "h" "t" "t" "p" ":" "/" "/"
"l" "o" "c" "a" "l" "h" "o" "s" "t" ":" "8" "0" "8" "0" "/")
    line :
    line = ("C" "o" "n" "t" "e" "n" "t" "-" "L" "e" "n" "g" "t" "h" ":" " "
"1" "5")
    line :
    line = ("C" "o" "o" "k" "i" "e" ":" " " "$" "u" "i" "d" "=" "+" "1" "2"
"3" "4" "5" "5")
    htArg : ("$" "u" "i" "d")
    htArg = uid
    htArg : ("+" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "5")
    htArg = 123455
    line :
    line = ("P" "r" "a" "g" "m" "a" ":" " " "n" "o" "-" "c" "a" "c" "h" "e")
    line :
    line = ("C" "a" "c" "h" "e" "-" "C" "o" "n" "t" "r" "o" "l" ":" " " "n"
"o" "-" "c" "a" "c" "h" "e")
    line :
    line = NIL
   _htHead = NIL
   line :

After this Firebug waited indefinitely for a response. I hope the above will
help with solving the issue though. Btw I tried apt-installing wireshark but
some dependency was missing from the server which was a bummer.

I suppose it is completely irrelevant to the problem at hand but this
version of Firebug had a button "Load Response", after waiting a long time I
couldn't help pressing it and this was what I got in the repl:

  task : 5 ((http @))
  task = (5 (http @))
  http : 5
   line :
   line = ("P" "U" "T" " " "/" "@" "a" "j" "a" "x" "T" "e" "s" "t" " " "H"
"T" "T" "P" "/" "1" "." "1")
   httpStat : 501 "Method Not Implemented" "Allow: GET, POST"
   httpStat = "</HTML>"
   task : 5 NIL
   task = NIL
  http = NIL


Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline

<div dir=3D"ltr">I don&#39;t know what I might have done the last time when=
 I got that result after 7 minutes, it did not happen this time, I&#39;m us=
ing a different version of Firefox and Firebug this time though.<br><br>Any=
way this time I traced line also, here is the result I get immediately afte=
r making the jQuery post:<br>
<br>&nbsp;task : 5 ((http @))<br>&nbsp; task =3D (5 (http @))<br>&nbsp; htt=
p : 5<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; line =3D (&quot;P&quot; &quot;=
O&quot; &quot;S&quot; &quot;T&quot; &quot; &quot; &quot;/&quot; &quot;@&quo=
t; &quot;a&quot; &quot;j&quot; &quot;a&quot; &quot;x&quot; &quot;T&quot; &q=
uot;e&quot; &quot;s&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot; &quot; &quot;H&quot; &quot;T=
&quot; &quot;T&quot; &quot;P&quot; &quot;/&quot; &quot;1&quot; &quot;.&quot=
; &quot;1&quot;)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; _htHead :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; l=
ine =3D (&quot;H&quot; &quot;o&quot; &quot;s&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;:&qu=
ot; &quot; &quot; &quot;l&quot; &quot;o&quot; &quot;c&quot; &quot;a&quot; &=
quot;l&quot; &quot;h&quot; &quot;o&quot; &quot;s&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;=
:&quot; &quot;8&quot; &quot;0&quot; &quot;8&quot; &quot;0&quot;)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line =3D (&quot;U&quot; &qu=
ot;s&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;r&quot; &quot;-&quot; &quot;A&quot; &quot;g&=
quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;:&quot; &quot; &quot;=
 &quot;M&quot; &quot;o&quot; &quot;z&quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot;l&quot; &quo=
t;l&quot; &quot;a&quot; &quot;/&quot; &quot;5&quot; &quot;.&quot; &quot;0&q=
uot; &quot; &quot; &quot;(&quot; &quot;X&quot; &quot;1&quot; &quot;1&quot; =
&quot;;&quot; &quot; &quot; &quot;U&quot; &quot;;&quot; &quot; &quot; &quot=
;L&quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;u&quot; &quot;x&quot; &quot; &qu=
ot; &quot;i&quot; &quot;6&quot; &quot;8&quot; &quot;6&quot; &quot;;&quot; &=
quot; &quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;-&quot; &quot;U&quot; &quot;=
S&quot; &quot;;&quot; &quot; &quot; &quot;r&quot; &quot;v&quot; &quot;:&quo=
t; &quot;1&quot; &quot;.&quot; &quot;8&quot; &quot;.&quot; &quot;1&quot; &q=
uot;.&quot; &quot;1&quot; &quot;2&quot; &quot;)&quot; &quot; &quot; &quot;G=
&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;c&quot; &quot;k&quot; &quot;o&quot; &quot;/&quot=
; &quot;2&quot; &quot;0&quot; &quot;0&quot; &quot;6&quot; &quot;1&quot; &qu=
ot;2&quot; &quot;0&quot; &quot;1&quot; &quot; &quot; &quot;F&quot; &quot;i&=
quot; &quot;r&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;f&quot; &quot;o&quot; &quot;x&quot;=
 &quot;/&quot; &quot;2&quot; &quot;.&quot; &quot;0&quot; &quot;.&quot; &quo=
t;0&quot; &quot;.&quot; &quot;1&quot; &quot;2&quot; &quot; &quot; &quot;(&q=
uot; &quot;U&quot; &quot;b&quot; &quot;u&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;t&quot; =
&quot;u&quot; &quot;-&quot; &quot;f&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot=
;s&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;y&quot; &quot;)&quot;)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line =3D (&quot;A&quot; &qu=
ot;c&quot; &quot;c&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;p&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;:&=
quot; &quot; &quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;x&quot; &quot;t&quot;=
 &quot;/&quot; &quot;x&quot; &quot;m&quot; &quot;l&quot; &quot;,&quot; &quo=
t;a&quot; &quot;p&quot; &quot;p&quot; &quot;l&quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot;c&q=
uot; &quot;a&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot;o&quot; &quot;n&quot; =
&quot;/&quot; &quot;x&quot; &quot;m&quot; &quot;l&quot; &quot;,&quot; &quot=
;a&quot; &quot;p&quot; &quot;p&quot; &quot;l&quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot;c&qu=
ot; &quot;a&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot;o&quot; &quot;n&quot; &=
quot;/&quot; &quot;x&quot; &quot;h&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;m&quot; &quot;=
l&quot; &quot;+&quot; &quot;x&quot; &quot;m&quot; &quot;l&quot; &quot;,&quo=
t; &quot;t&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;x&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;/&quot; &q=
uot;h&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;m&quot; &quot;l&quot; &quot;;&quot; &quot;q=
&quot; &quot;=3D&quot; &quot;0&quot; &quot;.&quot; &quot;9&quot; &quot;,&qu=
ot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;x&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;/&quot; &=
quot;p&quot; &quot;l&quot; &quot;a&quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;=
;&quot; &quot;q&quot; &quot;=3D&quot; &quot;0&quot; &quot;.&quot; &quot;8&q=
uot; &quot;,&quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot;m&quot; &quot;a&quot; &quot;g&quot; =
&quot;e&quot; &quot;/&quot; &quot;p&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;g&quot; &quot=
;,&quot; &quot;*&quot; &quot;/&quot; &quot;*&quot; &quot;;&quot; &quot;q&qu=
ot; &quot;=3D&quot; &quot;0&quot; &quot;.&quot; &quot;5&quot;)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line =3D (&quot;A&quot; &qu=
ot;c&quot; &quot;c&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;p&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;-&=
quot; &quot;L&quot; &quot;a&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;g&quot; &quot;u&quot;=
 &quot;a&quot; &quot;g&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;:&quot; &quot; &quot; &quo=
t;e&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;-&quot; &quot;u&quot; &quot;s&quot; &quot;,&q=
uot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;;&quot; &quot;q&quot; &quot;=3D&quot=
; &quot;0&quot; &quot;.&quot; &quot;5&quot;)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line =3D (&quot;A&quot; &qu=
ot;c&quot; &quot;c&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;p&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;-&=
quot; &quot;E&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;c&quot; &quot;o&quot; &quot;d&quot;=
 &quot;i&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;g&quot; &quot;:&quot; &quot; &quot; &quo=
t;g&quot; &quot;z&quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot;p&quot; &quot;,&quot; &quot;d&q=
uot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;f&quot; &quot;l&quot; &quot;a&quot; &quot;t&quot; =
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line =3D (&quot;A&quot; &qu=
ot;c&quot; &quot;c&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;p&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;-&=
quot; &quot;C&quot; &quot;h&quot; &quot;a&quot; &quot;r&quot; &quot;s&quot;=
 &quot;e&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;:&quot; &quot; &quot; &quot;I&quot; &quo=
t;S&quot; &quot;O&quot; &quot;-&quot; &quot;8&quot; &quot;8&quot; &quot;5&q=
uot; &quot;9&quot; &quot;-&quot; &quot;1&quot; &quot;,&quot; &quot;u&quot; =
&quot;t&quot; &quot;f&quot; &quot;-&quot; &quot;8&quot; &quot;;&quot; &quot=
;q&quot; &quot;=3D&quot; &quot;0&quot; &quot;.&quot; &quot;7&quot; &quot;,&=
quot; &quot;*&quot; &quot;;&quot; &quot;q&quot; &quot;=3D&quot; &quot;0&quo=
t; &quot;.&quot; &quot;7&quot;)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line =3D (&quot;K&quot; &qu=
ot;e&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;p&quot; &quot;-&quot; &quot;A&quot; &quot;l&=
quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot;v&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;:&quot; &quot; &quot;=
 &quot;3&quot; &quot;0&quot; &quot;0&quot;)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line =3D (&quot;C&quot; &qu=
ot;o&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;c&quot; &quot;t&=
quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot;o&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;:&quot; &quot; &quot;=
 &quot;k&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;p&quot; &quot;-&quot; &quo=
t;a&quot; &quot;l&quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot;v&quot; &quot;e&quot;)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line =3D (&quot;C&quot; &qu=
ot;o&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;t&=
quot; &quot;-&quot; &quot;T&quot; &quot;y&quot; &quot;p&quot; &quot;e&quot;=
 &quot;:&quot; &quot; &quot; &quot;a&quot; &quot;p&quot; &quot;p&quot; &quo=
t;l&quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot;c&quot; &quot;a&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;i&q=
uot; &quot;o&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;/&quot; &quot;x&quot; &quot;-&quot; =
&quot;w&quot; &quot;w&quot; &quot;w&quot; &quot;-&quot; &quot;f&quot; &quot=
;o&quot; &quot;r&quot; &quot;m&quot; &quot;-&quot; &quot;u&quot; &quot;r&qu=
ot; &quot;l&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;c&quot; &quot;o&quot; &=
quot;d&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;d&quot;)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line =3D (&quot;X&quot; &qu=
ot;-&quot; &quot;R&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;q&quot; &quot;u&quot; &quot;e&=
quot; &quot;s&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;d&quot; &quot;-&quot;=
 &quot;W&quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;h&quot; &quot;:&quot; &quo=
t; &quot; &quot;X&quot; &quot;M&quot; &quot;L&quot; &quot;H&quot; &quot;t&q=
uot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;p&quot; &quot;R&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;q&quot; =
&quot;u&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;s&quot; &quot;t&quot;)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line =3D (&quot;R&quot; &qu=
ot;e&quot; &quot;f&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;r&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;r&=
quot; &quot;:&quot; &quot; &quot; &quot;h&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;t&quot;=
 &quot;p&quot; &quot;:&quot; &quot;/&quot; &quot;/&quot; &quot;l&quot; &quo=
t;o&quot; &quot;c&quot; &quot;a&quot; &quot;l&quot; &quot;h&quot; &quot;o&q=
uot; &quot;s&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;:&quot; &quot;8&quot; &quot;0&quot; =
&quot;8&quot; &quot;0&quot; &quot;/&quot;)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line =3D (&quot;C&quot; &qu=
ot;o&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;t&=
quot; &quot;-&quot; &quot;L&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;g&quot;=
 &quot;t&quot; &quot;h&quot; &quot;:&quot; &quot; &quot; &quot;1&quot; &quo=
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line =3D (&quot;C&quot; &qu=
ot;o&quot; &quot;o&quot; &quot;k&quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;:&=
quot; &quot; &quot; &quot;$&quot; &quot;u&quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot;d&quot;=
 &quot;=3D&quot; &quot;+&quot; &quot;1&quot; &quot;2&quot; &quot;3&quot; &q=
uot;4&quot; &quot;5&quot; &quot;5&quot;)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; htArg : (&quot;$&quot; &quot;u&quot; &quot;i&quot; &quot=
;d&quot;)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; htArg =3D uid<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; htArg :=
 (&quot;+&quot; &quot;1&quot; &quot;2&quot; &quot;3&quot; &quot;4&quot; &qu=
ot;5&quot; &quot;5&quot;)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; htArg =3D 123455<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line =3D (&quot;P&quot; &qu=
ot;r&quot; &quot;a&quot; &quot;g&quot; &quot;m&quot; &quot;a&quot; &quot;:&=
quot; &quot; &quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;o&quot; &quot;-&quot; &quot;c&quot;=
 &quot;a&quot; &quot;c&quot; &quot;h&quot; &quot;e&quot;)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line =3D (&quot;C&quot; &qu=
ot;a&quot; &quot;c&quot; &quot;h&quot; &quot;e&quot; &quot;-&quot; &quot;C&=
quot; &quot;o&quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot;r&quot; &quot;o&quot;=
 &quot;l&quot; &quot;:&quot; &quot; &quot; &quot;n&quot; &quot;o&quot; &quo=
t;-&quot; &quot;c&quot; &quot;a&quot; &quot;c&quot; &quot;h&quot; &quot;e&q=
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; line =3D NIL<br>&nbsp;&nbsp=
; _htHead =3D NIL<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br><br>After this Firebug waited i=
ndefinitely for a response. I hope the above will help with solving the iss=
ue though. Btw I tried apt-installing wireshark but some dependency was mis=
sing from the server which was a bummer.<br>
<br>I suppose it is completely irrelevant to the problem at hand but this v=
ersion of Firebug had a button &quot;Load Response&quot;, after waiting a l=
ong time I couldn&#39;t help pressing it and this was what I got in the rep=
<br>&nbsp; task : 5 ((http @))<br>&nbsp; task =3D (5 (http @))<br>&nbsp; ht=
tp : 5<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; line :<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; line =3D (&quot;P&quot; &quot=
;U&quot; &quot;T&quot; &quot; &quot; &quot;/&quot; &quot;@&quot; &quot;a&qu=
ot; &quot;j&quot; &quot;a&quot; &quot;x&quot; &quot;T&quot; &quot;e&quot; &=
quot;s&quot; &quot;t&quot; &quot; &quot; &quot;H&quot; &quot;T&quot; &quot;=
T&quot; &quot;P&quot; &quot;/&quot; &quot;1&quot; &quot;.&quot; &quot;1&quo=
&nbsp;&nbsp; httpStat : 501 &quot;Method Not Implemented&quot; &quot;Allow:=
 GET, POST&quot;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; httpStat =3D &quot;&lt;/HTML&gt;&quot;<br>=
&nbsp;&nbsp; task : 5 NIL<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; task =3D NIL<br>&nbsp; http =3D N=


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