You are welcome to. I have been exploring Lua lately and have been longing to 
do some PicoLisp again. Lua is nice but it ain't no Lisp. :)

> 24 apr. 2016 kl. 11:31 skrev Robert Herman <>:
> I might take you up on that, Jakob! At the moment, I am exploring options 
> regardless of the game jam. I would think it were easy to wrap SDL2, since 
> another person I know wrapped a few functions from SDL to compile under ECL 
> for a Ludum Dare Game Jam. I don't know enough of miniPicoLisp. I thought it 
> wouldn't be able to handle big nums, but I'm not sure that's necessary for 
> glut (floats)? I have holes in my programming knowledge in general, since I 
> am self-taught, and have not programmed for a living for the most part. But, 
> I did start in 1979!
> Rob
> BTW, I am currently in +7 GMT. What time zone are you guys in?
>> On 24 April 2016 at 15:04, Jakob Eriksson <> wrote:
>> IMHO it should be trivial to get SDL working with miniPicoLisp. I'd wrap 
>> enough of SDL to get a minimal example running and extend it from there. If 
>> you put it on GitHub I might help out too! :-)
>>> 24 apr. 2016 kl. 09:50 skrev Robert Herman <>:
>>> Well, that answers a lot, thanks. Textures are great, but not the end, but 
>>> X11 would have to go, since that would only work on Linux and Mac? How hard 
>>> do you think it would be to replace X11? If it is very hard, it would be 
>>> best to just interface to SDL2, and have sound, graphics, i/o, and 
>>> networking out of the box. Still trying to figure if it is easy to get SDL2 
>>> working with miniPicoLisp...sans networking.
>>> Rob
>>>> On 24 April 2016 at 14:38, Alexander Burger <> wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 09:46:28AM +0700, Robert Herman wrote:
>>>> > I think Java is valid, but this is for fun, and to further my PicoLisp
>>>> > education. Plus I think Ersatz is slow even for Java, no?
>>>> Indeed.
>>>> > pure PicoLisp, the way Alex did in his RC simulator. Althought, that was
>>>> > 64-bit PicoLisp, which relies on the 'native' function (where is that
>>>> in @src64/main.l
>>>> > defined?), and a custom lib for everything, no openGl? I know there is a
>>>> Yes, all drawing is done pixel by pixel into buffers, and then copied to
>>>> an XWindow.
>>>> > to a limitation ;)
>>>> > I will look at your rcsim code, Alex, and maybe I can grok enough to use 
>>>> > it
>>>> > for a game lib?? I find digging into the code more and more interesting
>>>> It would be possible to use @lib/z3d.l in a game like misc/rcsim.l, but
>>>> it has a lot of limitations (e.g. no textures). On the other hand it is
>>>> completely independent from any libraries except X11 (which might be
>>>> replaced by some other window system).
>>>> ♪♫ Alex
>>>> --

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