Hi Alex,

> 'Learn PicoLisp the Hard Way'
> I totally agree. This would be a great project, I'm ready to join.
> Same for Stack Overflow support.

Great! I'll reach out to Zed and confirm that this is still kosher.

> Yes, yes, I know ;) In fact, it is on my todo list since half a year.
> I want to use Let's Encrypt, as I already do on another server. However,
> the
> picolisp.com server is currently a mix of Wheezy, Jessie and Stretch, and
> whatever I tried to get the certbot running resulted in a storm of Python
> package mismatch error messages. No way .. I gave up, and decided to wait
> until
> Debian Stretch is stable and thus available from my provider.

Sounds like a headache, I don't blame you. I'll be cheering for the Debian
folks this

- Erik

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