I am relatively new to picolisp, with limited knowledge of its development
history... but I'll politely disagree with some suggestions here regarding
making the core more 'popular' and open to 'collaborative' development.

Bandwagon collaboration may in all likelihood dull the scapel and result in
 something far from pico.

What would be great is to see more of an ecosystem built around the
picolisp core. Build something awesome with picolisp, document it and share
it with the world.

I am.


Notes: I made as a read through the email thread...penny thoughts, ....a
bit opinionated and repetitive and therefore subject to change.

Make what more open? From what I can see, the source going back to at least
2002 is freely available for anyone to copy and do with as they like. There
is no lack of transparency or reluctance to share knowledge.

Compared to almost every other development tool I have worked with,
picolisp is a breath of fresh air.  The more I breathe in, study the
succinct examples on the wiki, rosetta code, 99probs, tankfeeder, etc the
more I appreciate that. Many of those examples, despite their brevity, are
far from trivial.

It is a scapel. A lot a fun to play with. But it is neither a toy lisp, an
overspecialized lisp, or -- what it feels like to me now -- the 'all things
to everyone' bloated cruft that is common lisp.

In the short time I have worked with it, I have yet to write a 'hack' to
get around some limitation or shortcoming of the picolisp environment. I
have written a surprising amount of useful code and connected it to other
tools to do useful things in concert.

It is lisp. Therefore, initially, "Lots of Irritating, Silly, Parentheses"
 that with practice, quickly become an appreciated, simple consistent
syntax. Syntax sugar is overrated. Look at the mess of most other
programming languages as they try to add 'advanced' features.

Even as a newbie, I can see how easily the current picolisp core can
integrate with, or integrate, other tools. How easy it is to leverage
 functionality like distributed programming, async io, templated
programming, underlying os pipes, etc that most other runtimes either don't
provide at all, end up diluting or obfuscating.

In what other language, even other lisps, is it as easy to say... (= code
data) ?

A high performance, general purpose, interpreted runtime engine, in a few
hundred kilobytes?. I wish I had 'discovered' it a decade ago.

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