On Jan 26, 5:35 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Today I added save and save as options to the file menu as well as the
> save-as option to the toolbar. That will be handy when you create a
> new file from within PIDA since before you could_not_ save it under a
> meaningful name.

_Very_ useful - I'd noticed the lack.  :-)

Another odd quirk that I've just tracked down - if I double-click on a
file to open it, it doesn't have _any_ Edit menu options (or save),
but if I right-click and select "open" then all the options are

Also, there doesn't seem to be any notifier to cause the buffer to be
refreshed if the file is modified outside the editor (I run argouml
from "open with" and archgenxml to generate much of my Python code)
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