On 13/08/10 13:45, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 12:01:43PM -0400, Felipe Sateler wrote:
>> On 13/08/10 08:01, Andreas Tille wrote:
>>> BTW, I have another issue: This mailing list recieves a lot of
>>> packaging related information which I#m not really interested in.
>>> However, de just have this mailinglist debian-multime...@l.d.o.  Do
>>> you see a chance that we move discussion like this about general
>>> project management, Blends stuff, user oriented questions to this
>>> mailing list.  I was asked to raise the Blends issue here on this
>>> list and so did I, but I would prefer if I would not be spammed by
>>> bug reports of multimedia packages which I'm simply not interested
>>> in.  In other projects such split between user oriented list @l.d.o
>>> and a maintainer list @a.l.d.o has turned out as quite reasonable.
>> Well, this was discussed at the time of the merge between the two
>> teams. Basically, we decided to have everything on the alioth list
>> because we feared the traffic was so small we would dilute the
>> interest. Perhaps the time has come to rethink this?
> As I see it we now do not discuss opening up another communication
> channel but (re)using an old "brand" when marketing (some or all of)
> what we produce.

At the time we decided to use pkg-multimedia-maintainers instead of
debian-multimedia because it avoids the name clash with Marillat's
repository. (Just another datapoint to consider).

Felipe Sateler

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