On Fri, 4 Aug 2017 19:35:34 -0700
King Beowulf <kingbeow...@gmail.com> dijo:

>On 08/04/2017 07:02 PM, John Jason Jordan wrote:
>> On Fri, 4 Aug 2017 18:14:03 -0700
>> King Beowulf <kingbeow...@gmail.com> dijo:
>>> Slightly OT, but when I am stuck having to use a Windows box
>>> somewhere, I carry a FAT32 USB thumb drive with portable versions
>>> of F/OSS apps and utilities:
>>> https://portableapps.com/
>>> Reputable site that has been around for a long time.  Good stuff.
>> It sounds very useful. Can you get these apps to run on a computer in
>> the library or a classroom at PSU? 
>They will run on any MS Windows box that doesn't have the USB port
>locked.  All the app data ad files stay on the USB drive and so nothing
>ever touches the hard drive.

I am sure you are right that nothing touches the hard drive. But when I
run a program that is installed on a PSU computer I can save the files
I create in my student H drive. The USB ports are not locked in the
sense that I can open a file from a USB drive in one of the programs
installed on the computer. But I doubt that PSU allows other
not-installed-by-PSU programs to write to even the student's H drive.
In fact, I would imagine that running programs from a USB drive is
summarily blocked. How PSU can do that is beyond my ken, but I bet that
somehow they do. I leave it to those more familiar with security on
such systems to explain further or to point out why I am wrong. 

I am not attending PSU at this time or I would do an experiment myself.
However, I know there are others here who might oblige. 
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