rgdawson wrote: 
> I tried the new version of squeezelite-win with the portaudio library
> update.  I ran it standalone and WASAPI didn't work for me.  Log says
> device is invalid.
> So I am not sure what the issue is.  In my case I have my audio going
> through my DisplayPort interface to monitor.  WASAPI doesn't work but
> Windows DirectSound does work and it sounds great to me.  I don't know
> what is going on with WASAPI.
> R Greg Dawson

The WASAPI device needs to have it's shared mode default sample format
set to 44100Hz on the control panel advanced properities tab for the
sound card.  That's the format squeezelite first opens the device with
and in shared mode windows will not let an application change it. 
Squeezelite has no code to allow opening a WASAPI device in exclusive
mode.  You would need to use the squeezelite resample option to force
all output to 44100Hz otherwise when you try to play a song that has a
different sample rate it will not play.  A WDM-KS device is a better
option than WASAPI IMHO.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
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