bpa wrote: 
> What version of the plugin ?
> What are the plugin settings ?
> I suspect you'll have problems with 7.8.1 because most URLs are now
> https (or http which is then redirected to https) and https support in
> 7.8.1 is very old old (i.e. TLS SSL out of date) and minimal.

I am still running 7.8.1 on Windows Home Server v1 with no apparent
problems. I only listen to Classic FM live, and BBC using iPlayer plugin
which is also mostly live. I don't use Listen Again much but when I do
it works.

I was planning an LMS upgrade but then the system disc died and needed
replacing, I'm dealing with that and getting things stable again before
upgrading LMS.

Owen Smith's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=42371
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