For completeness - I think to eliminate the VLC windows you need to
remove the "-vvv" and then add "-I dummy --dummy-quiet"

The problem with a VLC process hanging around - I think that is
Shairport4W problem not VLC's.   AFAICT when an Airplay connection is
made a redirection process is started and when Airplay connection is
broken process stops (which I think is unecessary) .  I think there are
probably two issues (i) shairport4w may be not starting the process
"correctly" and has not handled some of the inherited file handles or
not flushed buffers before closing them (ii) shairport4W needs to manage
the process termination properly (i.e. check for a hanging process and
remove it ).  

Frankly this is typical of what happens when trying to implement a Linux
type process on Windows and I don't think you'll manage to persuade any
of the developers to make changes to support your needs.

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