Is it worth to open a new thread for Shairport4W and Wavein integration
on a PC is it worth it ?
I am beating my head trying to get even mplayer to play in the redirect
output of shairport4w. If you use this stuff at all I could use a hint.

Also I researched a bit the -dumpstream option of mplayer, I was
thinking if I can redirect to mplayer and have mplayer map into a stream
that would solve it. If I dump into a file .wav I do not think there is
a FIFO implementation in windows and the file would not work, as it
keeps growing.  
If you can help me with a format where mplayer can pickup stdin PCM out
( from Shairport4w) and do a -dumpstream to a stream that I can play on
SB that would be wonderful. If too much a hassle let us drop it... 


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