mrmichaelwright wrote: 
> I have the same problem with listen again. I also had the problem when
> running on windows server 2008 (i only upgraded to windows 10 today as
> the latest windows updates seemed to kill lms altogether and it was
> getting clunky anyway)
> If it was a bbc problem i guess i would also get problems on my two
> squeeze radios and my boom, these both seem to run fine and are on the
> same powerline network?

Interesting about radio and boom - why didn't you mention this before ?

You have a mix between old and new h/w working and not workign so there
is no pattern.  I have powerline and I know that speed and delays varies
hugely between sockets and also if other devices (e.g. motors, heaters)
are operating on the same circuit (national practice for wiring socket
circuit varies between countries if you are in the UK it is the same as
Ireland).  In one room my powerline network gets a hiccough even so
often - otherwise it gives great throughput so my experience of
powerline is that it is not as good as direct wired ethernet and can be
as variable as wireless.

Can I suggest to check if Boom and touch are interchanged and see if
Boom gets problem or Touch plays OK ?

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