Jim Pistrang wrote:

>I've been trying different things, but I guess I don't understand where
>to put my spaces.

Sorry, I wrote "insert 3 spaces", but it is 2 only.

>I have 2 scripts that I'd like to build keyboard
>shortcuts for.  Please explain what I need to do to make them work:
>1) The 'Change Subject' script inside the PowerMail Additions folder.

Type "  Change subject" for the menu title in the keyboard system
preference pane.
However, in the final version, scripts will be reorganized and put in
several subfolders, so you will need to insert 4 spaces instead of 2:
"    Change subject"

>2) A script named 'Delete Message Now' inside my Custom Scripts folder.

"  Delete Message Now"

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

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