
On 19 Jul 2012, at 21:57, Jon Lockhart wrote:

> Dear PP Community,
> I was wondering if anyone had any help or suggestions for trying to install 
> ProofPower on a Windows machine?
> I am currently running Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3, 32-bit.
> I have downloaded all the necessary components that were necessary. I have 
> tried installing PP using Cygwin, but I can't get to any of my Windows 
> directories from it.

Cygwin sets up a directory /cygdrive whose subdirectories are the mounted file 
systems on Windows. Your Windows directories will be there under /cygdrive/c (= 
C:) or /cygdrive/d (= D:) or wherever. Once you have found "My Documents" etc. 
you can put links to them in your Cygwin home directory.

> I have also tried installing it from GIT Bash, but when I run the config file 
> I get an error returned saying I have no ML installed, though I do have Poly 
> ML installed, as the page instructions say to do. I have added Poly ML to my 
> path variable but that does not seem to fix the problem either.

I am afraid I have no experience of GIT Bash and don't know what kind of UN*X 
look-alike environment it gives you. 

On MS Windows, ProofPower will only build "out of the box" using Cygwin. With 
some modifications a build can be got to work with MinGW, but I have not proved 
that route myself. ProofPower was ported to Cygwin to meet the needs of a 
particular group of users who have their own front-end that uses ProofPower to 
provide proof services running as a server on Windows. But they are experts who 
have their own custom build, now using MinGW, that is not currently available 
in the OpenSource distribution.

However, Cygwin doesn't support Motif currently, so, even if your persever with 
Cygwin, you won't have any kind of usable interactive user interface. So I 
don't recommend this route for ordinary users. If you want to run ProofPower on 
MS Windows at the moment, your best option is to install a virtualization 
package, e.g., VirtualBox, build one of the standard Linux distributions as a 
guest operating system and then install ProofPower in that. If you are not 
familiar with VirtualBox or similar, then I can assure you that this is a great 
deal easier than its sounds and the "footprint" on your Windows systems is 
quite small: you can do a lot in 10 or 15GB. I often have to travel with an XP 
laptop, and this approach using VirtualBox and Ubuntu works very well indeed 
when I want to do ProofPower work while I am on the train.

The good news is that the licencing restrictions that prevent OpenMotif being 
used on Cygwin look likely to be relaxed soon. This will give me some incentive 
to get the whole system to build reliably on Cygwin and maybe making a canned 
binary build for Windows.



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