isn't that amazing? (no pcb)
a while back i opened up a 3 port DB25 switch box
no pcb!
all the 25 wires of 3 DBs were hand soldered to a huge rotary switch
that's 150 connections
they go for about $5 in a painted steel box

BTW, all the wires were white!

Dennis Saputelli

Don Ingram wrote:
> We did a heap of them for a while for use in LED  traffic lights. The
> circular profile was a series of small segments of track which had been
> generated by rotating a single track segment in an array placement.
> Folk law suggests avoiding the use of arcs for edges ( can't remember why
> anymore, just don't use them ;-) An earlier version also used rotated
> strings of leds as well.
> Unfortunately one of the big guys started selling units which were hand
> assembled in a 3rd world country with twisted LED legs ( no PCB at all ).
> The price was below what was sustainable for us so we got out.
> Cheers
> Don
___________________________________________________________________________            Integrated Controls, Inc.    
   tel: 415-647-0480                        2851 21st Street          
      fax: 415-647-3003                        San Francisco, CA 94110

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