HI Andrew,

I was looking at implementing additional css3 selectors
(http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/6767) and was redirected to your

If you take a look at my patch, I use indexOf for the 3 additional
selectors.  I see you use indexOf for one and substr for the other 2 I
was implementing.  Would it be "faster" to use indexOf for all of them?

I paused with completion of the patch due to issues with IE.  I just
thought I'd bring my "minimal" contribution to your attention.  Looks
like you're well on your way to a nice implementation.

Andrew K :)

On Jan 19, 6:54 pm, "Andrew Dupont" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I posted about this on Basecamp, but now that we've started to use this
> list I'm going to post it here for public consumption.
> We've talked about optimizing $$ in the past -- it's one of my personal
> goals for 1.5.1.  So I took great interest in Jack Slocum's new
> DomQuery extension for YUI
> (http://www.jackslocum.com/blog/2007/01/11/domquery-css-selector-basic...).
>  Jack is a brilliant JavaScripter and has managed to write a really,
> really fast CSS selector engine here.
> I took a look at his code -- it's quite clever, but also verbose and
> inelegant in places.  He handles a lot of specific CSS token
> combinations by hand, which results in really fast querying but also
> *lots* of lines of code.  I resolved to write a version that was more
> Prototypish.
> In the middle of doing so, I thought back to my earlier attempt with
> XPath
> (http://www.andrewdupont.net/2006/07/10/more-than-you-ever-wanted-to-k...),
> and realized that I could add on an XPath approach with just a bit more
> code.  So I did.
> You can view the code at
> (http://andrewdupont.net/test/double-dollar/selector.new.js). I've set
> up a test page (expertly made by the jQuery team) that compares the
> speed of the current $$ and my experimental $$:
> (http://andrewdupont.net/test/double-dollar/).
> I'm still trying to make it better, but as I see it this new $$ solves
> several problems with the current $$:
> (1) The current $$ does not filter out duplicates.
> You can see this on the test page: "div div" and "div div div" both
> return far more results than they should because certain nodes are
> added to the collection more than once.  Calling "uniq" on the array
> before it's returned is *far* too costly, so I used Jack's inspired
> method here: it enumerates the collection sets a property on each node,
> so that if the function finds a node with that property already it
> knows it's seen it before.  (It then sets that property to "undefined"
> before it's done.)
> (2) The current $$ is not very modular or extensible.
> With this new implementation, I can add new tokens very easily -- for
> example, all the operators for attribute matching (=, $=, ^=, *=, |=,
> ~=) -- because they live in a hash with the operator as the key and a
> comparator as the value.  Similarly, adding new selectors like child
> (>) and adjacency (+), or even pseudoclasses (:nth-child(even)) could
> be done by adding a regex, an XPath translation, and a
> string-of-JS-code translation.
> (3) The current $$ is SLOW.
> XPath clearly solves this problem (try the tests in Firefox and see for
> yourself), but not for Safari (version <2.0) or MSIE (version
> *anything*).  So even the "slow lane" needs to be faster here.  Jack
> claims his implementation is the fastest on earth, and though I've
> taken his general approach I have not yet realized his gains.  Still,
> on costly selectors the new approach is almost twice as fast as the
> current $$ (even leaving out XPath), and that's with more functionality
> and fewer bugs (i.e., duplicated nodes).
> I'd love to hear some feedback.  I've been looking at this code for way
> too long now, so a fresh pair of eyes may point out something obvious
> that I've missed.  Also, I'd love it if someone were to modify this
> code to add new stuff so that $$ can accommodate a wider range of
> selectors.
> Cheers,
> Andrew

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