Andrew Dupont wrote:
> ...
> Also, selectors with pseudoelements (e.g., div:first-child) are
> conspicuously absent.  Whoever feels like writing the requisite
> regexen would be my friend for life.
> ...
Do you have a list of pseudo-elements you want to support? 

Do you want to address state-dependent pseudo-elements at all (:visited, 
:active, etc.)?  It can be done through some trickery, but I don't know 
the value of it:

Do we want to address pseudo-elements that normally refer to text nodes 
or fragments such as :first-letter, :first-line, and ::selection?

My feeling is that the list of possibly supported psuedo-elements is 
something like the following--

So are you asking someone to define corresponding entries in NewSelector 
such as  NewSelector.criteria.pseudo and NewSelector.patterns.pseudo?

I would guess for :empty, you might add something like this:

NewSelector.criteria.empty = 'n = h.attr(n, r, "nodeValue", "", "=="); d 
= false;';
NewSelector.patterns.empty = /^\:empty(:?\b|$)/;


Ken Snyder

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