
My code makes use of Element's update method. It handles modification
of an element's contents gracefully and isn't as risky as innerHTML.

My problem is that I don't know how to extract it from the code (I
wish I could link to Google's Prototype, but I work in an environment
where filesize is critical).
The issue at hand is that the method makes use of other bits (bind,
defer, stripScripts, $A, etc.) from the library that would in turn
pull other bits and so forth.

My question is : Is there a way to smartly cherry-pick the bits I need
from the source code without breaking anything. My previous attempts
at doing just that were utter failures and reverting back to innerHTML
is ground for disaster as well.

Any help appreciated.



PS: A solution would be to have some sort of preprocessor directives

//@dependsOn: defer, bind, $A... for each method so that a script
could create custom builds of the library that would fit the user's
needs perfectly (one could even imagine a web interface where the user
would indicate the functions he wants to use, hit "generate" to obtain
a custom version of Prototype).

Sprockets seems to be a step in that direction but it's not fine-
grained enough in my opinion.

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