What I've meant is what kind of code should be in those update,
create, remove php.

P.S The page is freezing.

On Jun 5, 3:46 pm, Walter Lee Davis <wa...@wdstudio.com> wrote:
> Naturally this won't run in jsbin, because it's trying to connect to a  
> non-existent server. Each of these Ajax calls will send a POST request  
> to your server. Have a search of this list, I've posted a simple  
> script to handle the update of sortable order in PHP before.
> http://jsbin.com/emuya/edit
> The above link should show you the JS code directly, and while it's  
> written off the top of my head (untested), it is a complete example of  
> how you would insert the database calls into the basic event framework  
> imposed by Sortable and its callbacks.
> Walter
> On Jun 5, 2009, at 8:50 AM, WLQ wrote:
> > I have a hard time connecting your js with a database. Could you give
> > an example of what I should write there?
> > On May 31, 8:22 pm, Walter Lee Davis <wa...@wdstudio.com> wrote:
> >> I took another run up this hill, and got quite a bit further than the
> >> last time.
> >>http://jsbin.com/itanu
> >> This is quite a lot of extra code to overcome what Sortable believes
> >> you mean by dragging from one list to another in the same containment
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