
Though your code seems perfect, I'm a bit worried about installing a service, even temporary, for testing purposes.

It adds another point where the test could fail for setup reasons, and should the test end unexpectedly, the tester's system has an extra service which points to a temporary generated configuration file.

Since everything seems OK without the service layer, I'd rather we keep the test suite as is and not introduce some extra feature that we'll have to debug later on. Nothings kills me more than debugging the tests :).


2005/12/6, David Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi Nicolas

Interesting, I never even tried running it the same time as the service,
so I can see that actually works now (except for the monitor problem).
Yes, my patch fixes the problem with the monitor


Nicolas Lehuen wrote:

> Woops, I've marked the issue as resolved since I've corrected the
> documentation, but I've not taken your patch into account. I'm not
> really sure it's required, though, since the only problem is that the
> Apache Monitor gets a bit  confused by the test server, buit
> everything else works correctly. Does your patch fixes the problem
> with the Apache Monitor ?
> Regards,
> Nicolas
> 2005/12/6, David Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:
>     I'm sure this is Win32 only.
>     We could even remove the requirement on Win32 by using an alternative
>     service name that we create and destroy as required.
>     I've opened a Jira issue with a patch for this:
>     http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MODPYTHON-95
>     Graham Dumpleton wrote:
>     > I'm a bit confused by:
>     >
>     >   - The only trick is that you'll have to stop your Apache server
>     > before launching
>     >   the test, as the start/stop command can only apply to one single
>     > Apache instance.
>     >
>     > Does this apply to UNIX as well as Win32?
>     >
>     > I ask as I have never bothered to explicitly shut down any running
>     > instance of
>     > Apache, yet haven't noticed any problems with running the tests. If
>     > this is a Win32
>     > specific instruction, you might want to note it as such. On UNIX
>     > systems, where
>     > the web server may be doing real work, people may not want to
>     shut it
>     > down just
>     > to be able to test a new separate version of mod_python that hasn't
>     > been installed
>     > yet.
>     >
>     > Graham
>     >
>     > On 06/12/2005, at 8:02 AM, Nicolas Lehuen wrote:
>     >
>     >> Hi David,
>     >>
>     >> To follow my old promise, I've just checked in a bit of
>     documentation
>     >> on how to run the test suite, including on Win32. I've also added a
>     >> few self-test in the test module, so that the most obvious setup
>     >> mistakes are notified to the user.
>     >>
>     >> Here is the documentation, directly from the Subversion
>     repository :
>     >>
>     >> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/mod_python/trunk/test/README
>     >>
>     >> This should eventually be converted to TeX and integrated into the
>     >> real documentation, but for various reasons this way is the
>     quickest
>     >> way to put it online. It's much better than the previous README
>     file
>     >> anyway (it was basically saying "keep out unless you know what
>     you're
>     >> doing" ;).
>     >>
>     >> Hope this helps.
>     >>
>     >> Regards,
>     >> Nicolas
>     >>
>     >>
>     >>
>     >> 2005/12/5, David Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:
>     >>
>     >>>
>     >>> As afar as I can recall, Nicolas Lehuen is the only guy who's
>     been able
>     >>> to run the tests on win32
>     >>> Has anybody else been able to? Can we put together some hints
>     as to how
>     >>> to do it?
>     >>>
>     >>> David
>     >>
>     >

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