On 06/27/2014 09:06 PM, CM wrote:
> On Friday, June 27, 2014 7:44:39 PM UTC-4, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:
>> Yes, you can. So, please try that, and report 
>> how that went. We're eager to know how that would 
>> go very much. But unlike you, we don't have need 
>> to transform wxPython GUI application in Python into
>> an executable. So, you are in the best position to 
>> answer your question.
> I downloaded and installed Nuitka 0.5.2 for Windows, 
> but it seems like the entirety of the instructions 
> for what I want to do, as shown on the Docs web page, 
> is this:
>     nuitka --recurse-all program.py
> I would need more help than that to try this. I've
> never even used MinGW, for example.

I presume you can learn the same way many of us learn. But reading up on
it and trying things out.  I bet there's even a MinGW list.  Really it's
standard command-line stuff. Learn how to use a unix command line and
you'll be able to grasp it all rather easily I think.  Good luck.


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