On 3/27/2023 10:07 AM, a a wrote:
Ok, I know, I need to switch to Windows 10 run on another PC next to me.

I need to learn how to copy and move every web page opened in Firefox as a 
reference to social media, web sites for Python, chat and more (about 50 web 
pages live opened 😉

This sounds like you mean when you get a new Windows 10 PC, you will want to move your open tabs to the new machine. I see several possibilities for this.

1. Copy your Firefox profile folder to the new computer, and tell Firefox to use it as the default profile. I *think* this will include the open tabs, but I haven't tried it. Saving that folder is useful for backup anyway. (If you use Thunderbird for email, you really *must* back up its profile folder because all your email with its folder structure is there. BTW, you can even copy the profile over to a Linux machine that has Thunderbird, and presto, all your email will be there. The Firefox profile would probably transfer just as well).

2. Bookmark all your open tabs under a new heading "open tabs", then export the bookmarks. In the new machine, import them into Firefox there. They won't open in tabs, but it will be easy to find them and open them when you want to. You probably will want to copy over your bookmarks anyway, so this adds little effort.

3. There may be a specific record of open tabs that you can copy or export. I don't know about this but an internet search should help.

Good luck.

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