How did you originally install the epson?

I had similar problems with my HP printer after a reinstall because I left
it up to windows to recognise the hardware. I uninstalled the printer and
then ran the setup.exe programme that came on the installation disk that
came with the printer, and all was well.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dilwyn Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Printer help

> > John in Wales
> > PS Jeremey I enjoyed -  " somewhere, something has gone horribly
> wrong" !
> > Thanks.
> It was a caption on a cartoon Darren Branagh once sent me, which
> featured human evolution, from a very stooped primitive ape (or was it
> one of our local teenagers?) on the left to an upright homo sapiens in
> the centre, then to a human stooped again in front of a PC -
> "Something, somewhere, went horribly wrong". I haven't got the
> original cartoon, but it's a bit similar to the one in Per Witte's
> History page on his new website, if you can't visualise what I mean.
> And in terms of "enjoyed":
> > I think you have got that wrong - AOL is 100% spam free - they tells
> us.
> > What you are getting is "commercial services".
> >
> > Tony Tebby
> :-)
> Much like Windows has "features" I suppose (i.e. you stalled your car,
> kindly dismantle the engine, and reinstall it)
> Oh, back to the intended email subject...
> Speaking of Windows "features", anybody got any ideas why my Epson
> Stylus 880 is not recognised over USB after the latest reinstall of
> Windoze 98SE? The Epson software prompts you to switch on the printer
> and it detects (in theory) the printer whether it's on parallel port
> or USB. Except it says it can't find the printer then goes ahead and
> installs a parallel port driver which you can't change despite the
> fact there's nothing at all connected to the parallel port. The
> printer's the only USB peripheral I have, so I can't verify whether
> the port is working or not, but (a) it used to and (b) it's probably
> no coincidence this happens after a complete reinstall I'll bet!
> USB cable tests OK with a meter, but of course no real way to verify
> it without something to plug into the USB port.
> Control Panel/System indicates an USB software presence somewhere in
> the computer, so it seesm to realise there is USB and it's enabled in
> the BIOS.
> Strangely enough, for the time being I'm printing via sernet to
> another computer from QPC2 on this computer, all very educational I'm
> sure :-(
> Wasn't life easy when I just had a QL and Gold Card! Aaaarghh! Anyone
> got any ideas on this one?
> --
> Dilwyn Jones
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