> In 'View devices by connection' is the USB port, or USB card listed
Listed as:

OPTi82C861 PCI to USB Open Host Controller
  USB Root Hub
  ? USB device (properties says driver not installed...i.e. EpsUSB
missing as expected
PCI standard host CPU bridge

> If it is look at its 'Properties', and go to 'Driver', then 'Update'
> from the supplied CD with the Printer.
The supplied CD does not install a 'driver' as such, it installs a
whole host of software such as Status Monitor and all sorts of
printer-related bits and pieces but there seems to be no way to
install a 'driver' as we would know it. And browsing the CD I cannot
find a single folder or file which looks vaguely like a stand alone
driver free of the all the tied in Epson clutter.

> Other options to try are :
> Go to the Epsom web site, and seek their technical help.
Done, awaiting reply.

> Do a search on the web and see if there are any Freeware drivers
> available that will cover you hardware.  Surprising are much is
> available.
Might try that after I get a reply from Epson.

> Install it on another PC - where it will probably work straightaway
> Win98 can be very 'stubborn' with devices and conflicts, as plug and
> play is not perfect for all hardware circumstances.
That will be done when I get a chance. Start from scratch, adding one
card at a time.

Am on the verge of giving up and just using it on the parallel port
and to hell with USB (or rather, with Epson software)

Dilwyn Jones

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