I totally agree with Tony, Stuart was a very nice person to know.
I talked with him alot when I organised 2 QL workshops in the North East.
His product line was excellent quality and I must of bought everything Miracle 
Systems produced
It does seem a loss to the QL community.
-------- Original message --------From: Tony Tebby via Ql-Users 
<ql-users@lists.q-v-d.com> Date: 30/03/2018  13:25  (GMT+00:00) To: 
ql-us...@q-v-d.com Cc: Tony Tebby <tonyte...@t-t-web.com> Subject: Re: 
[Ql-Users] Stuart Honeyball 
He really was one of the good guys.


Who cares about contracts - Stuart's word was his bond.

Intellectually adventurous

He dreamt up things that seemed to be beyond the limits of the state of 
the art of fabrication technology - but they worked.


Behind his appearance and demeanour hid a thorough grasp of engineering 
detail. What would the QL have been like if he had been in charge of the 


The USA on a folding bike? My last memory of him (too long ago) was him 
climbing up a rickety ancient cherry tree to get the cherries I could 
not reach.


He shared the cherries!

On 29/03/2018 11:40, Dilwyn Jones via Ql-Users wrote:
> I regret to have to report that I heard this morning of the death of Stuart 
> Honeyball of Miracle Systems.
> He passed away peacefully last night (28th March) at 23:45 of cancer, 
> according to his wife, Karin.
> I’m sure you’ll all want to join me in extending our condolence to his wife 
> and family and express our great admiration and gratitude for all the work he 
> did for the QL over the years.
> Dilwyn Jones
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