Jan Bredenbeek via Ql-Users wrote:
> This has always been the problem with substitution devices. One solution
> would be to rewrite the io.fstrg/fs.headr/etc code to substitute the
> filenames read as well (essentially chop off the directory path
> substituted). In case of io.fstrg this means checking if the channel is
> opened for directory access, then check if the data read would be a file
> header (length=64), then change the filename read accordingly. In your own
> example when using INKEY$ from BASIC this would fail because INKEY$ reads
> one byte at a time (using io.fbyte).

Has anybody got the source code to the SUB device? It does this kind
of substitutions.

> Another solution would be to make the DIR command 'substitution-aware' so
> it would recognise a substituted device and act accordingly.

But then you have to do the same for QPAC2, QMenu, ...


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