In responce to the sore; I strongly feel every quad should be on a low air loss 
mattress. Four unversities have tested them and concluded that it is the only 
proactive surface for healing and preventing sores. Call Hill-Rom and ask if 
they have a nurse in your area. The trick to getting the mattress seems to be 
in the paperwork.  I had a stage 4 wound that healed up in 2 months and I still 
got in the chair 1 out of three days. There are no pressure points on a low air 
loss mattress and the constant air keeps the wound dryer but not too dry. Your 
bodies natural bacteria can work faster to heal the wounds. If your wound is 
filled with necrotic tissue, maggots can clean it out faster and more 
effectivly than any other debrieding action. When the wound is clean it will 
heal without involving a doctor. 
My nurse would put some Amish super honey in the wound when it needed it. (it 
has a name but I cannot remember it to save my life) It is called Royal Jelly. 
I have been getting bee stings for my knees hips and spine for about 3 months. 
I don't feel it but it costs $5 for 10 stings and I buy honey when I go. When 
my skin starts to get red areas I have my aid rub honey onto it gently until it 
is absorbed. Mollasses (sp) is suppose to work, as is processed sugar. The idea 
is it grows good bacteria faster by bringing oxygen and nutrients into the 
We all have osteo-arthritis. Our bones are chalk-like and cartilage is a joke. 
New quads should take Glucosamine-condroitin tablets from the begining.  
The trick to healing a wound quickly is to get rid of the dead tissue without 
destroying the good bacteria. Never let anyone use Hydrogen Peroxide or 
anti-bacterial cream or ointment. These products kill the good bacteria with 
the bad and in most cases the bad bacteria will get back in the wound and set 
you back months. 
Nurses, Doctors, and aids often carry bacteria from one patient to the next. Do 
not feel bad about asking them to wash their hands and use sterile gloves to 
examine your wound.
If I was using the wound vac, I am sure I would want royal jelly in the wound 
to add oxygen and proteins needed for healing. The idea that a wound will heal 
fast in an occlusive environment does not make much sense when we have all seen 
cuts heal fast when left open and no pressure, such as graph sites on top of 
thighs. Those heal very fast with a mere piece of gause to promote a scab. 
Royal Jelly helps speed healing and reduce scars. Wound vacs seem to be counter 
to what we know about healing. If a wound is producing a lot of puss and 
drainage maybe the bad bacteria and dead tissue have not been cleaned out.
Take probiotics now. These also help wounds heal faster. 
If you think I'm wrong then simply don't do any of these tips. My stage 4 wound 
healed in 8 weeks and I still got in my chair every 3rd day. Now I am under the 
radar to keep my low air loss mattress. 
I know many of you will get flaps and the doctors will buy new hottubs with the 
money they make on it. 
If you take large doses of probiotics and clean your wounds gently and use 
Royal Jelly you should see improvment in days. You can use the vac but I think 
it will heal faster if you simply minimize pressure on it. I appologize for 
rambing but I had a wound specialist that turned my stage 2 wound into a stage 
4 and wanted to do flap surgery. I had to return to my GP to get the low air 
loss mattress. He has only seen pictures of the wound as it healed. When your 
wound doctor says those mattresses are expensive, ask how much he makes for the 
visits and surgery? 
If your life is centered on healing your sores then what do you rank your 
quality of life at? I've been to two wound doctors and both were like going 
back in time. The same treatments as they have used since WW2. They can use 
stem cells now. Why don't they talk about it? Do you think a person that wasn't 
handicapped would consider what you are going through as acceptable 
treatment? We are treated as though we are all the same. I have talked to quads 
that have spent over a year in bed. I cannot do that. I don't have a great life 
but what I have requires me to go out of this place. 
I wish you a speedy healing process no matter what you choose to do. 
 Sorry if I ran on too much,


From: Steve Crowder <>
To: Paul Jacobson <>; Lori Michaelson 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 12:41:55 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] pressure wound....need help

Hello Paul. I'm on the vac right now. I really don't know much about it, but 
I'll try to explain it. The purpose of it is to suck out all the blood and 
debris and nasty stuff and keep it healthy and clean and open. It is supposed 
to be very good for promoting healing and prepare you for eventually doing a 
flap, which somehow allows the wound to heal. I really don't know much about 
it. It's all the way over my head. I'm told this is the third and final attempt 
at getting one to work on in the same difficult spot. I'm prepared to do 
whatever I must within my abilities, otherwise I'm a goner.

As for the Clinitron, it is just what you said -- an alternating pressure
----- Original Message ----- 
>From: Paul Jacobson 
>To: Lori Michaelson ; 
>Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 12:33 PM
>Subject: [QUAD-L] pressure wound....need help
>HI THERE.......I have a Stage 3 wound on the back of my
>leg.  So no w/c.....just bed to keep pressure off.  Has 
>anyone used a wound-vac?  Results?
>How about flap surgery?  Also need to get a Clinitron 
>alternating pressure bed....anyone ever use one?
>Paul c5/6
>----- Original Message ----- 
>>From: Lori Michaelson 
>>Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 11:56 AM
>>Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Syrinx
>>I agree totally with Tod below.  And, even though I am not male, my symptoms 
>>began with lower abdominal PAIN whereby I could hardly think.  SYRINGOMYELIA 
>>sux big time.
>>On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Tod E. Santee <> wrote:
>>Ron & David (mrpockets_2000):
>>>... I *do* know very few neurosurgeons will will work on a high-cord syrinx 
>>>solely because of pain.  If loss of function begins and continues, that's a 
>>>bit different.  There are just far too many risks for doing cervical cord 
>>>surgery just because of pain.  They'd prefer narcotics and high pain 
>>>Lower thoracic and lumbar syrinxs are more likely to be treated surgically 
>>>if pain is the issue... but still mostly as a last resort.  Beware the doc 
>>>who suggests surgery before anything else is tried!!
>>>David... as for the pain in the groin area.. OUCH!  I know!  I get it pretty 
>>>bad, too, even though I've had the syrinx / cord-untethering surgery.  I've 
>>>explained it more like riding a seatless bike, sitting on just the seat 
>>>post, while hitting several speed bumps.  Does that sound like a familiar 
>>>Man -- If ANYONE ever comes up with a cure, drug or treatment for that... 
>>>sign me up!
>>>Best to All!
>>>---- RONALD L PRACHT <> wrote:
>>>> with a syrinx at c1 c2 neuros wont operate unless things get really bad, 
>>>> like function loss. the key is never operate above your level of injury. 
>>>> the syrinx can cause pain in abdomen and back , because yours is higher 
>>>> the neck area is probally affected. depnding on where you are in the 
>>>> states i would see out a specialist to give you an opinion.
>>>> ron c7
>>>> --- On Sun, 8/23/09, David <> wrote:
>>>> From: David <>
>>>> Subject: [QUAD-L] Syrinx
>>>> To:
>>>> Date: Sunday, August 23, 2009, 9:42 PM
>>>> I've had a syrinx located at C1/C2 and because the doctors say that there
>>>> is a pretty good chance of me ending up on a vent, I have elected to avoid
>>>> surgery at this time.
>>>> For those of you males who might have a syrinx, do you experience a lot if
>>>> neuro-pathic pain between your shoulder blades and especially in the groin 
>>>> area.  I feel lie there is someone pushing on my groin.  Every time I go 
>>>> to push my manual wheelchair iI feel like my bladder is going to lose 
>>>> control because of the pressure on it.  And there are times that my body 
>>>> feels lie it burning from the inside out.
>>>> David B.
>>Age - 45
>>C4/5 complete quad, nearly 30 years post
>>Tucson, AZ


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