HI THERE.......I have a Stage 3 wound on the back of my
leg.  So no w/c.....just bed to keep pressure off.  Has 
anyone used a wound-vac?  Results?

How about flap surgery?  Also need to get a Clinitron 
alternating pressure bed....anyone ever use one?

Paul c5/6
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lori Michaelson 
  To: quad-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 11:56 AM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Syrinx

  I agree totally with Tod below.  And, even though I am not male, my symptoms 
began with lower abdominal PAIN whereby I could hardly think.  SYRINGOMYELIA 
sux big time.


  On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Tod E. Santee <sant...@cox.net> wrote:

    Ron & David (mrpockets_2000):
    ... I *do* know very few neurosurgeons will will work on a high-cord syrinx 
solely because of pain.  If loss of function begins and continues, that's a bit 
different.  There are just far too many risks for doing cervical cord surgery 
just because of pain.  They'd prefer narcotics and high pain tolerance.

    Lower thoracic and lumbar syrinxs are more likely to be treated surgically 
if pain is the issue... but still mostly as a last resort.  Beware the doc who 
suggests surgery before anything else is tried!!

    David... as for the pain in the groin area.. OUCH!  I know!  I get it 
pretty bad, too, even though I've had the syrinx / cord-untethering surgery.  
I've explained it more like riding a seatless bike, sitting on just the seat 
post, while hitting several speed bumps.  Does that sound like a familiar 

    Man -- If ANYONE ever comes up with a cure, drug or treatment for that... 
sign me up!

    Best to All!

    ---- RONALD L PRACHT <r.pra...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
    > with a syrinx at c1 c2 neuros wont operate unless things get really bad, 
like function loss. the key is never operate above your level of injury. the 
syrinx can cause pain in abdomen and back , because yours is higher the neck 
area is probally affected. depnding on where you are in the states i would see 
out a specialist to give you an opinion.
    > ron c7
    > --- On Sun, 8/23/09, David <mrpockets_2...@yahoo.com> wrote:
    > From: David <mrpockets_2...@yahoo.com>
    > Subject: [QUAD-L] Syrinx
    > To: quad-list@eskimo.com
    > Date: Sunday, August 23, 2009, 9:42 PM
    > I've had a syrinx located at C1/C2 and because the doctors say that there
    > is a pretty good chance of me ending up on a vent, I have elected to avoid
    > surgery at this time.
    > For those of you males who might have a syrinx, do you experience a lot if
    > neuro-pathic pain between your shoulder blades and especially in the 
groin area.  I feel lie there is someone pushing on my groin.  Every time I go 
to push my manual wheelchair iI feel like my bladder is going to lose control 
because of the pressure on it.  And there are times that my body feels lie it 
burning from the inside out.
    > David B.

  Age - 45
  C4/5 complete quad, nearly 30 years post
  Tucson, AZ

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